Alignment: Unprincipled/Scrupulous (varies)
Attributes: IQ 9, ME 11,MA 6,PS 28,PE 19,PP 12,PB 7,Spd. 29Age: (unknown) Gender: Male
Species: Horse
Size Level: 10
Height: 6' 3" Weight: 230lbs.
Hit Points: 37 SDC: 65
Disposition: Mysterious and obsessive
Human Features
Hands -- Full
Legs -- Full
Speech -- Full
Looks -- None
Powers: Beastly Strength, Adv. Hearing
Psionics: None
Level of Experience: 5th
Background: Free Cattle Tribe (~Guerrilla Training)
Apprenticeship: Warrior
Occupation: Ronin
Primary Skills: Wilderness Survival (55%), Prowl (50%), Camouflage (45%), Demolitions (75%), Demo. Disposal (75%), Recognize Weapon Quality (50%), Sniper*, Climbing (65/55%), Truck (80%), Motorcycle (80%), Athletics, Wrestling, Hand to Hand: Expert
Languages & Literacy: English 88/78%
Weapon Proficiencies: Sword, Bolt-Action Rifle, Automatic & Semi-Auto Rifle
Secondary Skills: Land Navigation (56%), First Aid (70%), Concealment (40%), Carpentry (55%), Tribal Dance (55%)
Attacks per Melee: 5
Bonuses: +4 to parry/dodge, +2 to strike, +13 Damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch, Base kick damage 1D6, Pin hit on a natural 18, 19 or 20 (Wrestling), Squeeze 1D4 dmg (Wrestling), Tackle/Take Down 1D4 dmg and must dodge or parry to avoid being knocked down (Wrestling).
Sword Bonuses: +2 to strike, +2 to parry, +1 to strike when thrown
Special Weapons: Rooster always keeps a long sword and a Cardanian Assault Rifle while travelling.
Personal Profile: Rooster was born into the Seven-Hills tribe in what was northern Ohio. He was trained as a warrior to protect the tribe and Free Cattle Plains against all enemies. Unfortunately, Rooster was overshadowed by his older brother Selis and eventually left his tribe and the Free Cattle Plains to find his own way in the world. Rooster usually has a strong sense of justice and loyalty.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Rooster Seven-Hills
Posted by
1:02 PM
Labels: character
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
A "Mutants in Orbit" Moment
Space sucks!
I don't care who you are, as long as you're in space you're always gonna be trapped in an over sized tin can, suckin stale recyc' air, and always lookin down on momma Earth.
I was born here on King Angel, and I was content with life here. The wing kept me busy while growing up, working in the assembly plant or in the docks. I always had food and a place to lay my head, and the occasional relationship. Things seemed good or at least palatable
But then reality sinks in. Around the time I turned 14 I started paying attention to the news and listening past the propaganda and fluff. I started realizing that life in this tin can wasn't as great as I was deluded to believe.
The average life expectancy for a fur who lives on King Angel is 21. That never really meant anything to me before, but then I learned why.
Most fur call it the squeeze. Though nobody really wants to talk about it, I've learned that it's caused because most people's brains can't take living in this tin can for too long. The fortunate ones are able to get work on a freebooter, or buy their own ship and get out. The not-so-fortunate take the "other" ways out--pills, alcohol, or suicide.
I don't know if it's like this on Outcast or Freedom stations, or if it's any better on the Moon, but I just know that before I turn 21, I've gotta get myself outta this place before I become just another statistic.
- Ian Denmark IV (19)
- "Mutants in Orbit™" is a sourcebook for both After the Bomb (first edition) and Rifts
- King Angel is Yuro Station
Posted by
10:11 AM
Labels: fiction
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Aspiring freelancer challenge
Okay, so I've been pretty uninspired as of late. My semi-regular players haven't been interested in getting together to game as of late, and I've been itching to write some new adventures for AtB.
So, I thought I'd try something I've never done before...I'm offering up myself, my time to write adventures set in any the "After the Bomb" game settings (1st or 2nd Edition) for anyone interested. I'm not asking for anything in return except for comments and criticism.
Please don't take my previously posted HLS's as an example of what I'm planning to write for you, as these have usually been spur of the moment ideas tossed together and posted without much refinement.
I would ask that you provide me with an idea of the group that the adventure will be written for (species, traits, powers, skills, experience, special equipment, special circumstances, etc.) as this will impact the story/adventure I'll write for you. I prefer to tailor adventures to a group rather than write a generic adventure for you to crowbar your groups into.
Also, I will be writing the adventures as per the book, so if you have any special modifications to the setting that you would like me to include, let me know before I begin.
NOTE: As I will be doing this for free, I would like to reserve the right to post the results of my writing here, submit them the Rifter, and/or offer them as demo adventures through the Megaversal Ambassador program.
Also, I'm limiting this offer to the first two or three respondants. At least until I get the hang of things.
Posted by
12:18 PM
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The Horror Under The Hill
This is the adventure I was working on, at least it's all that I was able to get finished so far. I'll finish it up in the next week or so adding stats for the NPCs and rough map of Benson Under the Hill.
HOOK: The players will either be assigned to this mission by Cardania or may be contacted directly by a representative of Benson Under the Hill, an underground mole kingdom located 50 miles west of Cardania at the foot of the Blue Hills.
LINE: A month ago in Benson Under the Hill, strange events began to occur. It began with the mysterious collapse of several main underground highways, and then escalating to the disappearance of a dozen tunnel workers. Now King Benson the First fallen mysteriously ill, and his closest advisor, Philip Augustus, a self-proclaimed seer and earth priest, has taken his place until the king is fit enough to return to the throne.
SINKER: As most people will suspect right away, Philip Augustus is the culprit behind the recent string of unfortunate events. Augustus is looking to take over the underground kingdom and is using his power to control a monstrous earthworm to help him by creating havoc and confusion. Augustus used a poison excreted from the worm to sicken the king, and if the characters can get close enough to King Benson to perform a thorough examination they might be able to discern the nature of the poison and concoct an antidote from the source of the poison—i.e. the worm.
Getting close to the king is one of the major hurdles. Benson Under the Hill is a very xenophobic culture, and it was only out of desperation that a representative ventured outside to look for aid. The king is constantly guarded by two dozen well-armed and armored royal guards in the deepest part of the kingdom.
Augustus keeps six elite warriors as his personal guards and can be found either in the royal palace or in his secret cavern near an underground river where he originally found his monstrous worm companion.
If Augustus is directly threatened or the players are able to formulate a cure for King Benson, he will summon his worm to attack the PCs, the king and anyone else who stands against him.
NOTES: This adventure takes place in the kingdom of Benson Under the Hill, located in a relatively ignored part of the Free Cattle Planes. The tunnels in this area are normally built for Size Level 8 character and average 4 to 4.5 feet in height, which could make things rather difficult for taller characters. There are, however, several taller highways (6 feet tall and wide), and large caverns scattered through out the domain.
Local mole homes are respectably furnished with well-crafted wood and stone furniture. Light is provided by electricity generated from an underground river nearby.
To make this mission all the more difficult, Benson Under the Hill does not like it when "outsiders", especially non-mole "outsiders", enter their domain. So if any non-mole PCs encounters a local mole, there is a 70% chance that they will attempt to raise the alarm and bring a patrol of 2D6 armed mole militiamen. For non-local mole PCs, the chance is only 20%.
Posted by
5:22 PM
Labels: adventure
Friday, October 27, 2006
Giant Gatorland Toad (aka Devil Toad)
It's been said that reptiles--frogs and toads especially--are the best barometer to changes in the environment, so it's no surprise that a creature such as the Giant Gatorland Toad emerged from the aftermath of the Big Death.
There are many other amphibian mutations, but few are as menacing to the inhabitants of Gatorland as this creature. With their large and powerful toothy jaws and armored hide, these creatures are blamed for the loss of many swamp travelers as well as animals and children from communities located close to wetlands.
These creatures coal black or deep red skin has earned them the nickname, "Devil Toad"
Size Level: 7 (Long)
Size: 4 to 4.5 feet tall
Weight: 75 to 100 pounds
Hit Points: 5D6+12
SDC: 1D4x10(+20)
Armor Rating: 11
Psionics: None
Horror Factor: 13
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Damage: Bite does 2D8, Punch does 1D8+3, Tackle does 1D4, Head Butt does 1D6, Entagle with tongue. These giant toads prefer to entangle their prey and then drag it into the water and drown it, victims will be -2 to strike, parry, and dodge while the toad tries to drown it.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +4 to Dodge, +2 roll with Fall/Impact, +4 vs. poison/disease, +4 save vs. psionics.
Natural Abilities: Feline Leaping; Predator Burst; Night Vision 120 feet; Prowl in water 60%; Beastly Strength; Iron Grip, Jaws (PS 22+ needed to pry open mouth)
Average Life Span: 10 years
Habitat: Temporate Wetlands, Primarily found in the Gatorland swamps
Notes: Rarely found out of the water. Prefers to hide underwater with only it's eyes above the surface.
(This is a slightly modified Timrek from Palladium's Monster and Animals, 2nd Edition)
Posted by
1:09 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Giant Razortooth Quirrel
A mutant relative of the grey squirrel. These odd creatures are primarily carrion feeders, but have also been known to turn predatory when carrion is scarce, or another larger carrion feeder is sharing the Quirrel's territory. Often times, if a settlement is nearby, they will find the community dump a veritable buffet. Normally, the razortooth quirrels will leave the community alone, but will attack if they feel their access to their food is threatened.
Size Level: 4 (Long)
Length: 3 feet (male), 2.5 feet (female)
Weight: 15 pounds
Hit Points: 3D4+6
SDC: 3D4
Psionics: None
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Bite does 1D8, Claws do 1D4
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +4 to Dodge, +2 roll with Fall/Impact, +4 vs. poison/disease
Natural Abilities: Rodent Leaping, Advanced Smell, Night Vision 60 feet, Prowl 40%, Climbing Claws
Average Life Span: 15 years
Habitat: Woodlands, sewer systems, and ruins
Notes: Razortooth Quirrels are nocturnal predators that typically hunt in packs of 2D4+1. There is a 45% chance that the quirrels are diseased (save vs. disease each time the character is bitten).
The Giant Razortooth Quirrels family pack typically consists of 6+1D4 adult members and 2D4 young, but have been found in numbers ten times as large. Razortooth Quirrels are also notorious scavengers and there is a 35% chance that 1D4 valuable items may be found stashed in their den (roll on the "Scavenger Uses & Value Table" and "Item Category Table" in AtB2, Pg 191 & 192).
Posted by
11:59 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Nanoswarm: GEIST (Global Electronics Integration Swarm Technology)
Nobody knows for sure, but GEIST nanoswarms appear to have been created as universal repair systems that have gone wild since the Big Death. These swarms seem to have a mind of their own, often times inhabiting machines (usually old wrecks that haven't worked in ages) and wandering around aimlessly or once-in-a-while into towns and villages where causing mischief and/or carnage.
GEIST swarms grow to a size level of 12 after which it will split into two-dozen minuscule swarms and start anew. GEIST can grow at roughly 1 size level per month. At the GEISTs rate of growth, swarms could grow to cover entire cities, however these swarms often drop into a state of stasis or hibernation for several months or years for reasons unknown at this time.
Size Level: Small Swarm – 1; Medium Swarm – 6; Large Swarm – 12
Appearance: Nanoswarms will appear to look like a small to large swirling dark cloud of dust.
Speed: 8
Hit Points: 0 (zero)
SDC: Varies by object infested
Natural Armor: Varies by object infested
Horror Factor: Swarm 4/8/12
Psionics: Non per-se, but see Natural Abilities for equiv.
Attacks Per Melee: 1 (in swarm form)
Damage: Varies by object infested. When inhabiting many electronic devices swarm may do 1D4, 2D4, or 3D4 damage to Hit Points on physical contact, otherwise damage goes to SDC (armor or protective clothing).
Bonuses: +4 attacks when inhabiting robots, androids, vehicles or other electronic devises that would allow attacks; +4 to strike, parry and dodge; +8 to dodge while in swarm form.
Natural Abilities: Techno-Mind, Natural Mechanical Genius, Possess Device, Prowl 80%
Average Life Span: Unknown
Value: $25,000 per half-ounce
Habitat: Ruins
Notes: The size of the object infested by a swarm is in proportion to the size of the swarm—i.e. small swarms usually infest small objects like RC vehicles, lawn mowers, vacuum cleaners, PCs; medium swarms usually infest small vehicles, computer systems, and human sized robots/androids; large swarms can control very large robots or vehicles, computer networks, etc.
While the things the GEIST nanoswarms may be destroyed, the nanoswarms themselves are effectively indestructible. However, an EMP or exposure to intense heat can destroy swarms. Flamethrowers and Ion weapons are a good weapon to use against rouge GEIST swarms. Mutants with Techno-Mind can attempt to communicate with a GEIST either in swarm form or while infesting an object. It is also possible to communicate with a GEIST if it is infesting a computer system by using the Computer Operation skill.
GEISTs have been known to help out a mechanic with Techno-Mind, and may even follow him/her around for a while, but is likely to leave within a month. If a Techno-Mind mechanic is able to obtain a small amount (no more than half-an-ounce) of GEIST swarm (very rare) they may be able to raise it as a pet. However, as the GEIST grows there is an increasing chance that it will leave the mechanic (40% at size level Medium, 80% at size level Large).
Posted by
3:59 PM
Labels: bestiary
Friday, October 20, 2006
Nightmare Beetles
These insects are the bane of many a traveller who pass through forests and ruins. The Nightmare Beetle is known for burrowing under an unsuspecting, sleeping, or resting traveller and then capturing them in a Mind Trap while directing it's young to feed off the helpless victim. If the victim is able to escape the Mind Trap, the beetle will then surface and attempt to stun (bio-manipulate) it victim while it's young continue their feast.
The beetles last line of defence is it's poisonous bite which can cause hallucinations in it's victim, disorienting it long enough to escape or attempt a fresh attack.
Size Level: 3 (Short)
Size: Adults grow as large as 3 feet in diameter
Weight: 8 pounds
Speed: 16, 8 burrowing/digging
Hit Points: 2D4
SDC: 3D4+6
Natural Armor: 8
Horror Factor: Individual 8; Swarm 16
Psionics: Mind Trap, Bio-Manipulation: Stun
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Damage: Bite does 1D6+Poison (hallucinogenic, save vs. non-leathal poison; durration 1D12 melees)
Bonuses: +4 save vs. Psionics
Natural Abilities: Rodent Leaping, Digging, Tunneling, Excavation, Poisonous, Hibernation
Average Life Span: 5 years
Value: $400 for the poison gland
Habitat: Woodlands and Ruins. Active only durring warm periods (above 50 degree Fahrenheit (10 degree Celsius)).
Notes: The Nightmare Beetle usually lays 2 dozen eggs at a time which got through four distinctive growth stages over a period of 2 months:
- Eggs: The white oval eggs are usually about 6 inches long and 3 inchs wide. They are placed in fresh carrion where they absorb moisture and become more roundish
- Larvae: The larvae are typical white grubs with a V-shaped series of bristles on the raster. Young larvae are about 8 inches long while the mature third instars are about 14 inches long
- Pupae: The pupae are first cream colored and become light reddish-brown with age. The average pupa is about 18 inches long and 1 foot wide
- Adults: The adults exoskeleton is a deep oily black, generally oval in outline, 3 feet long and 2 feet wide. The abdomen has a row of five tufts of white hairs on each side. These white tufts are diagnostic. The males have a sharp tip on the foreleg tibia while the female has a long rounded tip.
Posted by
2:00 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Northeastern Wargar
These large hounds are the product of mutations brought about by the aftermath of the Big Death and selective breeding by the Wolf Barbarians who often use them as war mounts.
While the Wolf Barbarians refuse to traffic in the sale of their Wargar, some have escaped into the wilderness and found their way onto the black market in Filly. Wargar are a prised item among low-tech mercenary groups and estates in the Contested Lands.Size Level: 19 (Medium)
Height: 5ft at the shoulder
Length: 9ft snout to tail
Weight: 1000 - 1800 pounds
Hit Points: 5D6+10
SDC: 2D4x10
Horror Factor: 13
Psionics: None
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Damage: Bite does 2D4+4, Claws do 3D6+6
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +2 to parry, +6 to save vs. horror factor, +4 to save vs. poison or disease.
Natural Abilities: Rodent Leaping, Color Blind, Advanced Smell, Advanced Hearing
Average Life Span: 12
Value: $1300 for a full grown Wargar, $2000 for a Wargar cub, Hides fetche ~$800
Habitat: Northeastern Seaboard, Wolf Barbarian Territories
Notes: The Wolf Barbarians often times equip their Wargar with armored barding which offers an AR of 12-14 and 50-75 SDC.
Image Credit: Image is capture of Warg from "Lord of the Rings: the Third Age".
Posted by
12:49 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
In the late 2040's several biotech companies began to create new creatures to supplement their human security forces. It was around this time that increasingly violent anti-eugenics groups were attacking EGG manufacturers and bioengineering facilities. Since regular human guards were not very effective, companies chose to grow something a little more... intimidating. The Guargoyles were one of the more popular choices, and were individually grown with inbred loyalty and obedience to their host corporation. Guargoyle intelegence was designed to be slightly higher than a domesticated dog, but less than that of a primate, which made them quite easy to train.
In the world of After the Bomb, these creatures have changed very little, and through the past several generations they still contain their inbred loyalty and obedience toward anyone seen as a member of their original sponsor.
Most guargoyles maintain a den or camp within five miles of their sponsors building or ruins with a usual population of 12 to 20 with a social structure similar to that of a pack of wolves with the strongest acting as pack leader.
However, some have had to find new grounds as their original sponsor facilities were wiped out in the Big Death, or by marauders in the aftermath. These 'ronin guargoyles' will usually find a new place to guard and protect, or may even be found serving a new master in a wilderness fortress.
Attributes: IQ 2D4,ME 2D4,PS 5D6*,PE 5D6,PP 5D6,Spd. 3D6
*Minimum PS is 20
Size Level: 13 (Medium)
Height: 6-7ft tall
Weight: 300-350lbs
Average Life Span: 15 years
Natural Body AR: 11
S.D.C.: 80
Hit Points: 2D4x10
Horror Factor: 15
Psionics: Presence Sense**, Mind Block
**see Beyond the Supernatural or Heroes Unlimited for a full description.
Natural Abilities: Crushing Strength, Basic Flight, Glide, Color Blind, Night vision, Ultraviolet Vision, Advanced Hearing, Feline Leaping, Predator Burst
Vestigial Traits: Obedience***, Protection***, Loyalty***, Vestigial Horns (1D6 Dmg)
***Limited to anyone wearing their sponsors uniform or announcing a password.
Attacks Per Melee: 5
Damage: Claws 2D4, Talons 2D6, Bite 2D6, Flying Tackle 3D6 (counts as two attacks)
Bonuses: In addition to physical bonuses, +2 Initiative, +2 Dodge in flight, +1 vs. Psionic Attacks.
Posted by
11:42 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Rali Windstar
Alignment: Unprincipled
Attributes: IQ 22, ME 13,MA 12,PS 12,PE 13,PP 9,PB 10,Spd. 15
Age: 22 Gender: MaleSpecies: Red Fox
Size Level: 7
Height: 5' 5" Weight: 94lbs.
Hit Points: 32 SDC: 47
Disposition: Curious and obsessive
Human Features
Hands -- Full
Legs -- Full
Speech -- Full
Looks -- Partial
Powers: None
Psionics: None
Level of Experience: 6th
Background: Academic Underground
Apprenticeship: Archaeology
Occupation: Antiquarian/Archaeologist
Skills of Note: Anthropology 58%, Archaeology 78%, History 92%, Appraise Artifact 98%, Excavation 78%, Research 88%, Technical Writing 68%, Public Speaking 68%, Chemistry 88%, Pathology 78%, First Aid 83%, Advanced Math 82%, Art 72%, Computer Operation 78%, Pilot Truck 92%, Land Navigation 68%, Wilderness Survival 78%, Pick Lock 68%, Forgery (used to identify) 68%, Detect Concealment & Traps 63%, Locate Secret Compartment/Doors 53%, Athletics, Boxing, Fencing.
Languages & Literacy: French 88/78%, Chinese 88/78%
Weapon Proficiencies: Sword, Revolver
Secondary Skills of Note: Recognize Weapon Quality 63%, Cook 68%, Climbing 78/68%, HtH: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 6
Bonuses: +5 to parry/dodge, +1 to strike, +5 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch, Critical hit on a natural 19 and 20, Base kick damage 1D6.
Special Weapons: Rali always travels with a Rhode Island .38 Revolver.
Personal Profile: Rali was the only son of immigrants from the Free Cattle Plains. The Underground discovered him working in his parents food stand in Smoketown, and at the age of 8 was taken to study at an Academic Underground facility in Portsmouth. Rali soon found that his interests revolved around history and antiquities, and began an internship in Archaeology under the mentoring of Lionell Barjan. Rali's internship took him to excavations in Filly, Gatorland, the Contested Lands, Baltimore and D.C. Rali now lives in Portsmouth and works at The Phoenix Club, an Academic Underground facility fronting as a club for the wealthy and business elite. As for his parents, he lost touch with them several years ago and has been meaning to locate them some day when he's not busy hunting down some new artifact or exploring some old ruins.
Posted by
10:33 AM
Labels: character
Monday, September 18, 2006
Two Hundred Scenario Ideas
Back in December 2004, gordyzx9r posted a list of 100 quick scenario ideas in the TMNT/AtB Forums at Palladium Books. And while the list was pretty dry, it could be used by GM's to provide a spark for an idea that could be built into a fleshed out game.
1. A barbarian horde bent on conquest bleeds the lands in it’s path of wanton destruction
17. Act as an official emissary
62. Inadvertently trigger a thought to be defunct, rogue sleeper-cell like order that sets into motion the overthrow of the local government
99. Word reaches Smoketown that an old decrepit Pre-Death ballistic submarine has washed ashore a Cardanian beach, the race is on to secure &/or destroy it to keep it from falling into enemy hands
In January of 2006, gordyzx9r posted another list of 100 scenarios. This time however, the list mostly included ideas that were more fleshed out than the previous 100.
So now if you are facing a weekend with friends who wanted to play After the Bomb, and had a bad case of writers block, you could quickly roll a D% to pull up a quick adventure idea. Please note though: NPCs are not included.
2. A Cardanian research team has been attempting to decipher the program of a strange pre-death communication device when they unintentionally activate some sort of beacon. They learn that the beacon is transmitting a signal for a device to hone in and kill every living creature within a certain radius of the broadcast. Scientists are able to ascertain that there is only a few days time until this “thing” reaches the city. Cardania doesn’t want to cause mass pandemonium so the PCs are contracted to intercept whatever it is that is enroute to the city and destroy it…if they can.
49. It’s dead of winter and the PCs have been dispatched to a remote radio relay station that retransmits radio traffic. While monitoring the radio during a snow storm, they hear an EoH transmission between someone on the ground and EoH fighter-bombers. The person on the ground is evidently a forward controller as he makes a call for fire and as he’s relaying the coordinates, the PCs realize that the coordinates are for their relay station. They have just seconds to escape the attack and will be left with very little of their equipment. The EoH forward controller is part of an elite EoH commando team who will try to hunt down and capture or kill the PCs.
96. While on an existing mission, roll again on this table as an event occurs that may force more responsibilities upon the PCs.
To get a copy of the full list of two hundred scenarios you can find them in Palladuims forums [here and here], send gordyzx9r a PM to get a copy in word, or you can download a plain text copy with the link below.
Download: 200 Scenarios (text format), by gordyzx9r.
Posted by
3:16 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Larger Map of Cardania
Here's a larger scale map of Cardania.
This map shows the largest Cardanian cities that appear in my games: Smoketown, Portsmouth, Petersburg, Patux, Cambridge, Camden, Port Pocomo, and Paradise. Also shown are the locations of the D.C. Ruins, and Baltimore Ruins.
Smoketown: Cardanian Capitol
Portsmouth: Carnadia's main port (Largest city)
Petersburg: Main hub of trade with scouts and inland salvage operators.
Patux: Industrial town, frequented by those heading to the ruins of DC and Baltimore. Frequent ferry service with Cambridge.
Cambridge: Peninsula's northern port. Home of the Academic Underground's first secret university.
Camden: Home to Cardania's single largest mill works, and largest city on the peninsula.
Port Pocomo: Peninsula's busiest lumber port. Controled by Camden.
Paradise: Gateway to the North. Those who don't want to travel around the ruins of DC or Baltimore enter Cardania through this city. Large Elite Militia presence. Heavy into trade with the Rodent Cartel of Filly. Quickly becoming Cardania's largest city due to a growing shanty town north of the "accepted" Cardanian boarder (suspected to be haven for many New Kennel and Empire Spies).
D.C. Ruins: Washington D.C., capitol of the former United States, was hit by a nuclear weapon at the time of the Death. Radiation levels have dropped over the past 75 years, but it still remains a dangerous place to visit due to strange mutant that live in the ruins as well as crumbling buildings, and pockets of leathal radiation.
Baltimore Ruins: Baltimore was swallowed by the Chesapeake Bay shortly after the Death as the sea level rose. Buildings that survived the flood have been known to colapse without warning and pose a hazard to any scavengers that venture into these ruins.
Posted by
5:11 PM
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Colorized East Coast Map
I colorized the old east coast AtB map for one of my older adventures. There are a couple extra locations noted on the map that you can ignore. If I can find the time, I'll try to edit them out.
Still I think it's a nice map to use.
Posted by
5:20 PM
Northern Lights
Written by: Mechanurgist
Author: I've written a short adventure for After the Bomb. It's called Northern Lights and features a foray into the Great Lakes region, which to my knowledge has not been described in any AtB sources (though I don't have all the books).
[download Northern Lights (.pdf)]
Review: This adventure opens up a new area of exploration and conflict in the AtB setting. In this adventure you'll find new Animal city (Buffalotown), and a surprisingly intact Human city (Anthrotopia) hidden beneath a glimering energy dome.
The adventure revolves around a Wolf Barbarian hoard that is hell-bent on invading the human city, but kept at bay by the cities protective dome. The player characters are quicly swept up in this drama and implored to help the inhabitants of Buffalotown who are caught in the middle.
No NPC stats are given, allowing GMs to modify them to their own liking and adjust them to fit with their group. The author has also stated that -quote- "If someone wishes to write them up, please go ahead and I'll add them to the file."
LINK: Mechanurgist's Palladium Board Profile.
Posted by
10:58 AM
Labels: adventure
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The Death, The Present, and Beyond
[updated October 16, 2006]
It's always bothered me that Palladium never gave a date for the After the Bomb setting, not that it should really matter, but it would help to figure the tech level to the world before the human society fell (aka The Crash, The Death, The Big Death, The Bomb, The Flash, etc..), and how much time has passed for decay and rebirth to change the environments of the new Earth.
However, if you know where to look, you should be able to come up with dates to use. The most obvious being the year of The Death.
NOTE: I was able to track down a comment from Erick Wujcik (circa June 2004) [link] on Palladium's AtB Message Board that -quote- 'just sort of vaguely point into the future, and say, "it's up to the Game Master..."'. So what I write here are my own personal theories based on observations from the material that is presented in the books.
The oldest concrete date I've found in the new 2nd Edition After the Bomb (AtB2) manual is found under the Mechanic Apprenticeship in referencing a "2057 fuel-cell/electric communter bus."***
I should also note that Mutants in Orbit (MiO) makes mention that the "Orbit is crowded, filled with the debris of a hundred years of exploration and dumping", which also suggests that space exploration ended roughly 100 years after it began (Sputnik 1957) which suggests the year at the time of MiO was around 2057. However, MiO was written by James "Mutants in Avalon" Wallis and Kevin Siembieda, not Erick Wujcik.
So, I presume The Death to have taken place at some time in or around the year 2060.
Now to determine roughly how long after The Death it is, let's look at the ages of a few characters who know to have lived through that event...
Weschek the Wise: Age 84
Emperor Christian: Age 96
Doctor Wilbur Vincent: Age 136!
Let's use the youngest of these three, Weschek at 84 years of age and who is said to remember vividly the slavery he suffered under the humans. By that we can surmise that Weschek had to be more than a pony at the time of The Death, so let's set his age between 6 and 12-years-old, placing the AtB setting 72 to 78 years later or by todays standard, between 2132 and 2138 AD.
This would set Christian at between 24 to 30-years-old, and Doctor Wilbur between 64 and 70-years-old at the time of The Death.
For the sake of argument let's go with the year 2135 AD, 75 years after The Death.
In 1989, in the Trasdimentional Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TDTMNT) sourcebook, you can find the date 2113 AD associated with the After the Bomb setting, but that could take place at anytime after The Death and should not neccessarily be taken as the benchmark date for AtB2.
But it doesn't end there!
AtB Book 5: Mutants in Avalon (MiA) notes that it is set "around 150 years" after the disaster (pg 4). However, this book was written by James Wallis, not Erick Wujcik, so he may have decided to set his sourcebook further along in the AtB history (nothing says all the sourcebooks have to take place in the same year or decade). So if we go by my calculations above, Mutants in Avalon would take place in, or around, 2200 AD, or roughly 75 years after the setting of AtB2.
Now you can see why I went with the year 2135 AD for AtB2. It places the main book and MiA at 75 year incriments after The Death. Very neat and tidy.
So, if you choose, here are the years that I would suggest for AtB2:
- ~2060: The Death
- ~2135: Current AtB2 setting
- 2200: Mutants in Avalon*
- 2260: Mutants in Orbit or All the remaining nations of the Earth evacuate into space (See TDTMNT, pg 80)**
* NOTE: The description of Europe in AtB2 (pg 166) could be seen to contradict the 75 year difference between the two books, but it could also be seen as history repeating itself.
** NOTE: Optional. TDTMNT is not technically an offical sourcebook to AtB2, although the AtB setting is a part of TDTMNT, and both are the work of Erick Wujcik, the AtB in TDTMNT could be seen as an alternate AtB universe.
***NOTE: In an earlier version of this article I had posted that the earliest date was found under the Random Scavenger Table: "Bomb Shelter or Survivalist Hoard" (AtB2, pg 191) as 2050. However, since finding the date 2057 in the mechanic apprenticeship, I have had to adjust my dates for The Death and the the current AtB2 setting.
Posted by
3:44 PM
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Rhyno Automotive's All New All-Terrain Hauler
Introducing Rhyno Automotive's All New All-Terrain Hauler
The Buffalo (H Series) (AKA: The Water Buffalo)
Engine: Electric Turbine
Fuel: Water(Hydrogen)
Max Speed: 65mph
Max Range: 500 Miles
Length: 26'
Weight: 3 ton (approx.)
Cargo: 12 ton
Cab Capacity: 6 (at Medium Size Level 10-12)
SDC: 350
AR: 14
COST: pending (expected 90,000 Bucks)
The Buffalo (P Series)
Engine: Internal Combustion
Fuel: Diesel
Max Speed: 70mph
Max Range: 400 Miles
Length: 26'
Weight: 3 ton (approx.)
Cargo: 12 ton
Cab Capacity: 6 (at Medium Size Level 10-12)
SDC: 350
AR: 14
COST: pending (40,000 Bucks)
- Light
- Cardanian .50 Caliber Machine Gun [Turret Mounted over cab] 8,000 Bucks
- Medium [AR: 16, SDC: 700, -20% Max Speed & Range] 10,000 Bucks
- Cab Reinforcement [AR: 13, SDC: 350, Cab Only] 2500 Bucks
- Engine Reinforcement [AR: 13, SDC: 200, Engine Only] 2000 Bucks
- Wheel Well Armor [AR: 14, SDC: 200, Wheels Only] 1500 Bucks
- Cargo Bed Armor [AR: 14, SDC: 350, Cargo Bed Only] 3000 Bucks
- Winch & Cable: 500 Bucks
- Flood Lights: 200 Bucks
- Engine Snorkel (P-Series only): 500 Bucks
- Search Light: 200 Bucks
- Field Radio [Max Range 80 miles]: 1200 Bucks
- Cargo Bed Benches: 100 Bucks
- Ram-Prow [+75 SDC to vehicle]: 800 Bucks
Posted by
12:51 PM
Labels: vehicles
Friday, August 25, 2006
New Character Sheets
I've been getting bent over trying to crowbar characters made with the new system onto the old AtB/TMNT Character sheets, so a while back I modified the new BtS (Beyond the Supernatural) Character sheets and modified them in paint for use with After the Bomb.
I'm not gonna say they are perfect, but they are a lot better than the old ones--if i do say so myself.
Posted by
11:26 AM
Labels: article, character sheets
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Academic Underground Secret Societies
I was working on roughing a AtB game a while back and began thinking that the Academic Underground would make an interesting antagonist or protagonist (depending on which side you take) in a drawn out campaign.
By the sounds of the background, the group isn't treated with much respect by the population at large, or at least not those in power (politicians and the Elite Militia). I would imaging that's because they tend to meddle with pre-death technologies and occasionally unearth some pre-crash horror that was better left buried in the ruins of the old world.
One of the options I've been pondering is creating secret sects within the Underground that protect/guard some of those secrets that may be better left buiried and make sure no unsuspecting fools stumble across and unleash them on the new world.
Some of these secrets could include:
- Nuclear weapon silos
- Biological weapon research facilities
- Embionic Genome Generator (EGGs) sites
- Cryogenic Hybernation sites

The above image was a spoof on the Marvel Comics "Civil War" series of comics based on my support of the Academic Underground, but got me to thinking that one of the secrets guarded by the Underground could spark a civil war within Cardania, so I created the following image as a counter to it for fun.

Both images include prominant characters in my campaigns:
Academic Underground, Rali Fox; Elite Malitia, Rooster.
Posted by
4:48 PM
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Welcome to Concordia

Area Population: ~1200
Urban Population: ~700
Common Species: Deer, Bear, Squirrel, Otter, Mink, Raccoon, Cat, Muskrat, Mice, Canine, Human
Economy: Local coin or barter
Industry: Lumber, Farming, Glass
Backgrounds: Feral, Freed Slave, Villagers & Townies, Raised on the Frontier, Raised by Bandits, Guerilla Warrior
Concordia Personalities:
Brian Madox (Mutant Ox): Sheriff/Judge/Mayor
Mickey Smith (Mutant Owl: Horned): Owns Mickey's Saloon
Ann McNally (Mutant Otter): Waitress @ Mickey's Saloon
*By day Mickey's is a decent cafe, opens at noon. The cafe stops serving by 9pm, but the bar stills serves until 3am. There are 5 rooms that Mickey can rent above the bar (3 Bucks per night). Sheriff Madox always has one or two of his deputies keeping an eye in the bar crowd to keep the peace.*
Ely Finch (Mutant Bird: Crow): Ely's Supply Depot
*Ely stocks many general items for the people of Concordia: food, small appliances, tools, ammunition, and some small arms. Larger and more difficult items need to be ordered and brought in from Boarstown.*
Phillip Conroy (Human): Town Doctor
*Doc Conroy is a recovering alcoholic*
Tammy Conroy (Mutant Bunny: Full Human): Nurse & Doc. Conroy's wife
Bill Elko (Mutant Deer: Whitetail): Town Drunk
*Dumb-as-a-stump, but mostly harmless*
Treven Winterbourne (Mutant Cat): Founder and Master Mechanic of the Winterbourne School for Mechanics [link]
*The school is build on the grounds of an old pre-crash salvage yard, located a-quarter-mile from Concordia. The compound is surrounded by 8 foot tall walls of corrugated sheet metal topped with barbed wire. All apprentices live in a small barracks (12 beds) for the duration of their stay.*
Posted by
2:43 PM
Labels: location
Winterbourne School for Mechanics
Welcome to the Winterbourne School for Mechanics (est. 57 AtB)
Winterbourne School Campus Map
Winterbourne Welcome Center, Offices, Classrooms, Cafeteria
Mechanical Shop/Classroom D (Heavy Machinery)
Classroom A (Small Machinery)
Classroom B (Vehicles & Motors)
Classroom C (Carpentry)
Student Dorm
Treven Winterbourne's House
Docks and Lagoon, Tool Shed/Storage
Salvage Yard (not to scale)
to Concordia: 1.5 mi NE (gravel road)
Student capacity: 12
Teachers/Instructors: 4
Facilities not shown: Baseball Diamond, Dirt Race Track, Hydroelectric Dam
School Apprenticeships & Basic Education Courses
Mechanic Apprenticeship (5 Years)
- (NEW!) Salvage Apprenticeship (6 Years) [link]
Basic Education Courses: (These courses are available to the general population. Students of these classes must find their own quarters, meals and transportation during their stay and are not counted towards the schools student capacity.)
Literacy: English [6 months (3 classes/week), 150 Bucks, 30%]
Basic Math [6 months (3 classes/week), 150 Bucks, 45%]
Wilderness Survival [Four 1 week seasonal expeditions (Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall) 200 Bucks per expedition, 10% per seasonal expedition, +5% if all four seasonal courses are completed]
First Aid [1 week, 75 Bucks, 30%]
Land Navigation [1 month (2 days/week), 100 Bucks, 40%]
Pilot: Automobile [1 month (3 days/week), 175 Bucks (100 Bucks if you provide/buy your own vehicle), 45%]
Radio: Basic Communications [1 month (2 classes/week), 150 Bucks, 45%]
W.P. Archery [3 weeks (2 days/week), 75 Bucks]
W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle [3 weeks (2 days/week), 75 Bucks]
Posted by
2:34 PM
Labels: location
Alternate Character Creation Steps
Step 1: Roll Attribute Pool
- Roll 3D6 eight times to build character's attribute pool. Do not allot these points at this time.
- Note Species, Bio-E, and Attribute Bonuses.
- Do not spend Bio-E at this time.
- Record Background Attribute and Bio-E Bonuses if any.
- Record Skills and any Attribute Bonuses received from Skills.
- Choose Alignment
- Spend/Buy Bio-E on Growth Steps, Human Traits, Natural Weapons, Animal Powers, Psionics, and/or Disadvantages.
- Allot attribute pool to attributes and apply all attribute bonuses.
- Record any high (16+) attribute bonuses.
- Record Hit Points, SDC, and Armor Rating.
Posted by
2:28 PM
Labels: article
Learning new skills
So, you want to learn a new skill?
Well, plan to take time off from adventuring to line up an internship or tutelage when you find someone with a skill you want to learn, and keep in mind that new skills usually start at or below those listed in the book (based on the teacher and/or student's IQ and background).
Want a skill, but don't have access to a teacher? Trying to find someone who can teach the character a skill could be an adventure in and of itself.
Things to keep in mind when learning new skills:
Teacher's IQ: A dim/slow teacher won't teach very effectively, so it will take longer to learn from them.
Character's IQ: As above dim/slow characters will learn slower than a bright student.
Character's Background: A character with a wilderness background will not learn an urban/tech skill as fast as someone who grew up in the urban/tech setting. Conversely, a character who grew up in an urban setting will not learn wilderness survival skills as fast.
Character's Skills: If a character has a related/similar (basic mechanics) skill, they may learn a related skill (automotive mechanics) faster.
Setting: New skills may be picked up faster in an environment conducive to the skill. You'll learn chemistry faster/better with access to a chemistry set or lab.
Time: Don't expect a character to learn a skill overnight. If the character just wants a crash course in auto mechanics or the French language, harsh penalties/restrictions should be imposed to reflect this. If the GM and player agree that the player can take few months to a year-or-more off from adventuring to learn, skills should start out at, or near, base level.
Money: Teachers and tutors need to make a living too. GM should set up a pricing system for learning skills. Alternatively, the character may end up paying through an unpaid internship or servitude.
Other ways of learning can include old language books, instructional videos, tinkering, etc. Though these methods will take longer and results may vary.
Posted by
2:27 PM
Labels: article
Giant Panda (Bear)
[revised August 24, 2006]
[revised September 11, 2020]
Original Animal Characteristics
Size Level: 11
Length: 4-6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 m).
Weight: 220-250 lbs (135 to 180 kg).
Build: Medium.
Mutant Changes & Cost
Total BIO-E: 25
Attribute Bonuses: +3D6 SDC, +4 to PS, Brute Strength, +3 PE, +3 PB and +4 Spd.
Human Features
Hands: Automatically partial or 5 BIO-E for full.
Biped: Automaticallt partial or 5 BIO-E for full.
Speech: 5 BIO-E for partial or 10 BIO-E for full.
Looks: None. The giant panda, a black-and-white bear, has a body typical of bears. It has black fur on ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders. The rest of the animal's coat is white.
5 BIO-E for partial. Has the general characteristics similar to a mutant bear (small, humanoid in appearance, difined snout and heavy fur, and massive build) but is distinguished by it's black-and-white coat.
10 BIO-E for full. Humanoid with dark circles around small beedy eyes; broad or nose; large round dark ears; a lot of thick body hair (dark on the arms, legs, and upper back); powerful build and barrel chest.
Natural Weapons
5 BIO-E for 2D4 damage Heavy Claws.
10 BIO-E for 2D6 damage Heavy Claws.
5 BIO-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.
10 BIO-E for 2D6 damage Teeth.
5 BIO-E for 2D6 damage Teeth.
Mutant Animal Powers
Automatically gets Advanced Sight (can be traded away for color blind).
10 BIO-E for Beastly Strength.
20 BIO-E for Crushing Strength.
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
10 BIO-E for Extraordinary Speed.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell.
10 BIO-E for Predatory Burst.
10 BIO-E for Hold Breath.
Vestigial Disadvantages
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness.
-5 BIO-E for taking Nearsightedness.
-10 BIO-E for taking Vesigial "pseudo thumb" (Special). Over the centuries, Giant Pandas have evolved a "pseudo thumb" formed by an elongated and enlarged wrist bone covered with a fleshy pad of skin. Now this "thumb" gets in the way and reduces the Panda's manual dexterity (-10% on skills requiring manual dexterity).
-10 BIO-E for taking Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 BIO-E for Musk Glands.
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-5 BIO-E for Diet: Herbivore.
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Bamboo (Special). Giant pandas are biologically unique. They are closely related to bears and have the digestive system of a carnivore, but they have adapted to a vegetarian diet and depend almost exclusively on bamboo as a food source. Not designed to process plant matter, the panda's digestive system cannot easily break down the cellulose in bamboo, so pandas must eat huge amounts - as much as 83 pounds or about 40 kg, and for up to 14 hours, each day [Source: WWF China].
- Unlike other bears, pandas do not hibernate.
- There is on-going debate as to whether this creature is truly a bear or more related to the raccoon, or perhaps in a class of its own, rather than to a bear.
- PandaCam
Posted by
11:35 AM
Labels: animal
Salvage Apprenticeship
Available to: Frontier, Villagers & Townies, and Border Area (Feral and Freed Slave at GM's discretion)
While there are countless groups trying to make a buck in the ruins of pre-Death America by pulling out scraps of this or that, very few of these groups can truthfully say that they know what they are doing. Then there are those who consider themselves true professionals, those who live in the ruins. These salvage operators often operate in small groups (to ensure a larger profit margin) and usually work one or two ruins. However, there are a few salvage operations that call no one place home and travel the wastelands in search for the 'large haul'. Most salvage operations are independent, but there are a few who have begun to join force.
Being a salvage operator is more than just mucking about in some old ruined city looking for something you can sell on the open, or black market. It's about finding the valuable items that can be brought back to life, and finding specific items sought by private/public buyers. Salvage groups may also be hired to act as rescue workers, scouts, and explorers. But their primary mission is to resurrect the past... for a tidy profit.
The average apprentice will spend ten years working with a small group of salvagers, usually spending the first year or two cooking and cleaning, or performing other menial tasks. Later the character will learn how to maintain the tools and vehicles of the trade. Finally, the character will learn the skills needed to survive, and make a profit from the numerous ruins that are scattered across post-Death America.
(NEW) Recognize Structural Integrity: This skill is one that helps keep the salvage operator and his/her crew alive in the crumbling remains of the aging cities, suburbs, sewers, and subways of the post-Death world. This indicates the character's ability to determine the soundness of a floor, wall, tunnel ceiling, etc. Given enough time the character may even be able to tell the age of the structure and figure a way to temporarily strengthen a structure while a salvage operation is conducted, or just so a salvage team can pass. Base Skill: 50%, +5% per additional level of experience.
Main Skill: Recognize Structural Integrity (NEW) 50%, +5% per level; Antiquarian(+15%)
Core Skills: General Repair and Maintenance(+10%); Climbing; Detect Concealment & Traps(+10%); Demolitions(+5%); First Aid; Land Navigation(+15%); Locate Secret Compartments/Doors(+5%); Pilot Construction & Farm(+15%); Wilderness Survival(+10%)
Domestic Skills: Choose Two(+15%)
Technical Skills: Electronics Basic(+10%) or Mechanics Basic(+10%); Rope Work
W.P.: Choose One
Posted by
11:24 AM
Labels: apprenticeship
Cardanian Sheriff's Apprenticeship
The activities of the Cardanian Sheriffs consist primarily of making criminal and special investigations; apprehending wanted felons; suppressing major disturbances; the protection of life and property; and rendering assistance to local law officials in suppressing crime and violence.
The Cardanian Sheriffs will, through investigation and close personal contact with militia, and city law agencies, be responsible for the gathering and dissemination of criminal intelligence pertaining to all facets of organized crime. The Cardanian Sheriffs joins with all other enforcement agencies in the suppression of the same.
Operating under orders from the Elite Milita command, suppress all criminal activity in any given area, when it is apparent that the local officials are unwilling or unable to maintain law and order.
Upon the request or order of a judge of a court of record, serve as officers of the court and assist in the maintenance of decorum, the protection of life, and the preservation of property during any judicial proceeding.
When called upon, provide protection for elected officials at public functions and at any other time or place when directed to do so by a superior officer.
Assist the President's Protective Detail in providing security for the Cardanian President during his/her official travel throughout the country, as well as other dignitaries.
Chain of Command / Locations
Senior Captain (Chief), Assistant Chief, a Headquarters Staff Captain, six field captains and seven lieutenants. The force is organized into six companies, "A" through "F". A captain, lieutenant and from two to four Sheriffs are located at each of the six Company Headquarters. The six field Headquarters offices are located in Smoketown, "Company A"; Innsmouth, "Company B"; Queens Point, "Company C"; Patux, "Company D"; Mico, "Company E"; Dover, "Company F". Other Sheriffs are stationed in various towns and outposts in and beyond Cardanias borders, with each Sheriff having responsibility for a minimum of two to three townships. [click here for county map]
Core Skills: Tracking(+10%), Literacy(+5%), Writing(+5%), Wilderness Survival(+20%), Intelligence(+9%), Interrogation(+5%), Detect Ambush(+10%), Detect Concealment/Traps(+10%), Streetwise(+5%), Tailing(+10%), Hand-to-Hand: Basic, Wrestling
Military Skills: Choose one from: Camouflage, Demolitions Disposal, Surveillance Systems
Physical Skills: Choose two (may learn HtH: Expert or Bull Fight at the cost of two skills)
Pilot Skills: Chose two from: Airplane*, Automobile/Car, Boating, Helicopter*, Military Vehicles, Motorcycle, Truck (* Airplane and Helicopter cost two skills)
W.P.: Choose two Ancient W.P., Choose one Modern W.P.* (*Heavy and Energy Weapons not included)
Posted by
11:11 AM
Labels: apprenticeship
[AtB: A1.4] Dover
Hook: Thirty years ago mutant chickens rose up against the Cardanian government to have wild chickens removed from the nations livestock/commodity list. This event was known as the Cluckers Revolt, a bloody revolution that ended when the government agreed to open numerous refuges for the chickens, both wild and mutant.
The Cluckers Revolt also saw the rise an extremist cell within the chicken community known as the Free Rangers. These chickens wanted more than freedom for their species, they wanted the entire Delaware peninsula as their own nation.
Since the revolt, the Free Rangers have conducted numerous terrorist actions against Cardania in an attempt to force the government to hand over the land they wanted.
Three years ago, in a raid on a Ranger stronghold, Cardania announced that they had finally broken the Free Rangers organization with the capture of their leader, Erik Rigdon.
In secret, a covert cell worked on plans to free their leader from Fort Borow in Smoketown, Cardania's Maximum Security Penitentiary.
With Cardania now watching their northern border, the Free Ranger cell was able to move into Smoketown with a large cache of weapons and soldiers in preparation for its assault on Fort Borow.
Line: The group will be flown, by helicopter, to the main chicken reservation in Dover County (formerly Delaware) where they are to find and take Erik Rigdon's brother, Paul Rigdon, into custody for interrogation to find where the Free Ranger cell is operating from in Smoketown.
Sinker: Erik's brother is being guarded by seven cell members at the Dickinson Mansion [alt img] in a small poultry settlement south of the town of Dover, Delaware. The guards are armed with automatic weapons and light body armor and will fight to the death.
Paul is a pacifist who does not agree with the Free Rangers means of fighting the system and will assist the group by giving them the name of a known Free Ranger operative in Smoketown who would most likely know where the cell is operating.
= = = = = = = = =
NOTE: I never did get around to writing AtB: A1.5, but that doesn't mean that I won't get around to it eventually. :) Suffice it to say it was to be a number of small firefights that lead up to a final confrontation in the Free Ranger Extremists in Fort Borow. Feel free to come up with your own conclusion, or modify A1.4 to conclude this HLS adventure series.
Posted by
11:04 AM
[AtB: A1.3] Streets of Wild Filly
Hook: Following a string of attacks on Cardanian assets, one foiled attack has led to evidence that implicates the Rodent Cartel in Filly.
Line: A paper trail from the Shifter Mouse that was hiring mercs and others to attack Cardanian sites (see HL&S "[AtB: A1.2] The Philly Connection") has implicated the Rodent Cartel of Filly as being involved. Cardania has directed the group to track down who within the Cartel is responsible and what their motives were.
Sinker: The Cartel, not wanting to take the blame for these attacks, fingers a young faction of the Cartel who has been running their operations without the permission of the Cartel-at-large. The faction of the Rodent Cartel responsible for the attacks against Cardania has retreated into the Wild Filly, a savage part of the city ruled by street gangs and ferral mutants. They can be found in an old building not far from the Wild Filly border, but has recruited several "natives" to provide security.
Once the characters are able to secure the factions leader, a mutant mouse named Rodney, he will be quick to spill the beans and tell the group that he was paid a large sum of money by the Free Rangers for weapons (explosives and rifles), and to set up their operative (the shifter mouse from "[AtB: A1.2] The Filly Connection") in Filly with protection (bodyguards), EoH documents, and connections (mercs and anti-Cardanians). They did not tell him why, but his spies in eastern Cardania indicate that the Free Rangers were using these attacks as a smokescreen while they prepared for an operation in Smoketown, though he doesn't know what that operation involves.
= = = = = =
Notes: Getting the information from the Cartel will require either a larger bribe, connections within the Cartel, or providing a service for the Cartel (run guns, provide information, rough someone up, etc.) Be creative. Once the Cartel is satisfied, they will give the group the location of the faction responsible for the actions in "[AtB: A1.2] The Filly Connection".
Posted by
11:03 AM
[AtB: A1.2] The Filly Connection
Hook: An EoH operative in Filly is hiring mercs and anti-Cardanian's to run sabotage missions with the promise of great rewards on their return from a success missions.
Line: Intel gathered following the mission at Radar Station Zulu (see HL&S "[AtB: A1.1] Radar Station Zulu"), points to an EoH operative working out of Filly who is hiring groups to perform missions against Cardania. The intel, however is incomplete and they don't know who or where the operative is in the city. If the characters were able to subdue and capture one of the raiders, he will divulge the name of a contact in Filly who may be able to get the characters close to the operative. The Cardanian government assigns the characters to go to Filly and gather as much information as possible on the Empires operation and operative by any means possible. Any evidence the characters can bring back that will implicate the Empire's hand in this situation will fetch the characters a handsome reward.
Sinker: The operative is actually a Shifter Mouse in the guise of a Human, and will use his powers to change his appearance to elude capture if needed. The Shifter Mouse is actually working deep undercover for two parties: the Rodent Cartel, and the Free Rangers (the Free Rangers are an extremist group of mutant chickens in Dover County, Cardania (Delaware)). In 48 hours, the operative will be assembling another group of mercenaries to launch an attack at another Cardanian installation. If the characters can stop this attack in time they will receive an additional reward.
= = = = = =
Note: There is no information in the Shifter Mouses possession that indicates his connection to the Free Rangers, but there is a paper trail that can be followed to the Rodent Cartel. That trail will be expanded upon in the next HLS. If, by some chance, the Shifter Mouse is captured and returned to Cardania, he will be found dead in his holding cell, the victim of an unknown assailant.
Posted by
11:02 AM
[AtB: A1.1] Radar Station Zulu
This is the first in a series of Hook, Line and Sinkers I'm working on.
Hook: For the past two weeks, there have been numerous successful attacks on Cardanian assets along the northern border with evidence pointing to a possible incursion by the Empire of Humanity. Now a band of raiders have taken the operators of a Cardanian radar outpost hostage. The raiders threaten that they will blow up the outpost with the Cardanian operators inside unless Cardania agrees to deliver to them money, weapons, and an armored vehicle. Since Cardania has moved much of the Elite Militia to protect the borders it is unwilling to move them to handle this event.
Line: Cardania officials refuse to give in to the demands of the raiders. The official in charge activates the characters militia status and assigns them to escort a diplomat to diffuse the situation. If that fails they are to remove the raiders by any means possible, but to minimize damage to the radar station.
Sinker: The official who briefs the characters pleads with them to ensure the safety of his son, one of the operators who was taken hostage at the outpost. During the first round of negotiations, the diplomat is shot by the raiders and is thrown out of the outposts compound. The raiders threaten that if their demands are not met in 12 hours, they will shoot one hostage every fifteen minutes until their demands are met, and then blow up the outpost.
= = = = = =
Follow Up: If the raiders are taken care of, the characters will find that the raiders were all equipped with EoH weapons and equipment. Further investigation will uncover a dead human with EoH ID papers - shot in the back - in the back of the raiders vehicle. Interrogation of any of the raiders will uncover that they were hired in New Kennel by the human to destroy the outpost, but decided that they could get more if they ransomed the operators. The human threatened the raiders leader and was shot to keep him from interfering.
Saving the officials son will give the characters some clout with Cardanian official in the future.
Posted by
10:57 AM
After the Bomb articles in the Rifter
If you haven't picked up Rifter #29, then you should know that there is an article in it with several new mutant animal species included.
Submitted by Caleb Goodson, this article includes arachnids, slugs, aquatics, chimera, and many more.
Included with the Chimera are notes regarding an underground arena circuit that ran before the Crash, and possible still does in the Free Cattle territories. Sounds like an interesting idea if you wanted to run a Gladiator style game.
Fans of After the Bomb should also pick up a copy of Rifter #18 [link] for the Q&A article.
The article gives a good example of how to create Mutant Animal templates for animals that are not listed in the Second Edition After the Bomb book, answers the question as to why there are no rules for gaining new skills in the AtB setting, the missing Hunting skill bonuses, and suggestions on how to "upgrade" First Edition After the Bomb characters and animal templates to be more compatable with Second Edition.
Creating Life from Scratch
Recently I posted an entry on the AtB forum at Palladium about an article in the latest "New Scientist" magazine [issue 2846] about man made life forms.
It's been called an ambitious project. But that's an understatement. It involves creating a new form of living being from non-living chemicals. Breathing the spark of life into inanimate matter was once regarded as a divine prerogative. Now, several serious and well-funded research groups are working hard to meet this goal. If one of them succeeds, it would be the world's first introduction to alien life, and would almost certainly help us to understanding what terrestrial life really is, how it began and what it means to be alive...This article opens a lot of possibilities in regards to the After the Bomb setting. Not only has science led us to the true capability of bending life to our will by creating human/animal hybrids, but now we are close to the capability of creating new life forms from scratch. So, if this were to be brought into the AtB universe who knows what horrors may have evolved from this science?
For good or ill, it opens a great deal of possibilities.
Posted by
10:50 AM
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Centaur (Genetic Chimera)
Centaurs (as with all other ‘taurs) are not naturally occurring mutations in the world. The unnatural aspect of these creatures has caused an inbreeding of numerous psychoses and neuroses, as well as a tendency for alcoholism. Centaurs tend to be reclusive - living in small communities of feral horses, and other centaur. They will either fear or mistrust anyone other than another centaur (even mutant horses).Taurs HATE humans, and anyone who can pass as human. This is because 'taur were bred to have a low birth rate (30% or less) to keep their numbers down. (Characters automatically gain Phobia: Xenophobia)
Size Level: 18
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 5 for Centaur Powers, and Psionics only
Attribute Bonuses: +30 Spd, +10 SDC, +5 P.E., +5 P.P.
Human Features
Hands: Full
Biped: None
Speech: Full
Looks: Wierd ('taur)
Natural Weapons
Hooved Feet (Automatic): Hind Kick 3D6 damage (+ P.S. damage bonus), front hooves kick 2D6 (+ P.S. damage bonus)
Mutant Animal Powers
5 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
10 BIO-E for Extraordinary M.A.
10 BIO-E for Extraordinary P.E.
15 BIO-E for Extraordinary P.P.
5 BIO-E for Extraordinary P.B.
Disadvantages (Limit of 3)
[Use tables in any recent Palladium Book's manual for dealing with Phobias, Psychoses, Neuroses, or Addictions. I recommend "Beyond the Supernatural" 2nd Ed.]
-5 BIO-E for Phobia: Vertigo
-5 BIO-E for Neurosis: Darkness
-10 BIO-E for Phobia: Fire
-10 BIO-E for Addiction: Alcoholism
-10 BIO-E for Random Psychosis
-10 BIO-E Psychosis: Deification
Note: Giant Animals (Size Level 15 or bigger) can sell I.Q. & M.E. and/or P.P. & Spd attribute points to get extra BIO-E points without sacrificing size. See Giant-Animals Characters in the creation section under Grouth Steps [AtB 2nd Ed., pg 23]
[FIRST DRAFT: 07/25/2005]
Posted by
10:26 AM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Rodent Cartel/New Filly Enforcer
[created by: gordyzx9r (AtB Forum @ Palladium Books); posted with permission]
Born and raised in Filly, the character received a streetwise education through the school of hard knocks. The character probably began as a gang member or thug whose potential was not lost on the Rodent Cartel. The character was indoctrinated into the Cartel where his or her strong-arm skills were fine-tuned. The character is now an Enforcer for the Rodent Cartel, excelling in the role of strong-armer, collection agent, assassin and so forth.
Apprenticeship: None
Primary Skills: HtH Expert, language, interrogation, prowl (+15%), streetwise (+25%), tailing (+15%), 2 ancient WP of choice, 3 modern WP of choice, & any 3 from military, rogue, or technical (HtH Assassin may be chosen in lieu of 2 modern WP)
Secondary Skills: Select any 8
Special Bonuses: +1 to PS, PE, PP, & Spd, & +5 to SDC
Money: 1D6X500 Bucks
Equipment: The Rodent Cartel will provide characters with equipment, weapons, clothing, and so forth as needed and as pertains to the task. In addition, the character will have their own personal sets of basic clothing, a personal sidearm and an ancient weapon. Characters may purchase their own equipment if they so desire.
Relatives & Connections: The character initially has 1D10 informants, snitches, and/or other contacts throughout Filly, each of whom have a 15% of having knowledge detrimental to the characters mission.
Posted by
1:24 PM
Labels: background, guest article
Revised Background Table for After the Bomb use with Ninjas & Superspies
[created by: Kuseru Satsujin (AtB Forum @ Palladium Books); posted with permission]
Revised Background Table for After the Bomb use with Ninjas & Superspies
01-15% Feral Background
16-20% Freed Slave
21-25% Martial Monk
Some mutants are trained by secret societies and religious orders dedicated to the study of unarmed combat or specialty combat. They are forbidden to reveal the secrets of their combat moves and will practice most of their moves privately. Sometimes wandering individuals and small groups of these martial monks can be found performing tasks for their organization.26-40% Raised on the Frontier
Apprenticeship: Martial Monk (NEW!)
Primary Skills: Wilderness Survival, along with another four Domestic Skills, three Physical Skills, one Military Skill , two Rogue Skills, and three Weapon Proficiencies
Secondary Skills: Select any five.
Special Bonuses: +1 P.S., +1 P.E. and +5 to S.D.C.
Money: 3D6 times 20 bucks.
Equipment: A set of basic traveling clothing/everyday wear, as well as one good quality martial weapon of choice and one other ancient weapon.
Relatives & Connections: The character has a 5% chance of recognizing another member from the same organization or a known opposing organization.
41-50% Villagers & Townies
51-60% Border Area Character
61-63% Professional Military/Mercenary
Like the Elite Militia, mutant animals with professional military training are highly trained militarily. While some of these characters are trained by nations with standing armies (unlike the Militia levies of Cardania and many other nations). Occasionally groups of these mutants will band together to form mercenary units who work for whomever pays them.64-70% Elite Militia
Apprenticeship: Professional Military (NEW!)
Primary Skills: Hand to Hand Expert, Climbing, Wilderness Survival, Land Navigation, W.P. Pistol, W.P. Auto & Semi-Automatic Rifles, and W.P. Sub-Machinegun.
Secondary Skills: Select any seven.
Special Bonuses: +1D4 to P.S., +1 P.E., +2D4 to Spd, and +18 to S.D.C.
Money: 100 bucks.
Equipment: Fatigues, dress uniform, combat boots, and standard military gear (canteen, backpack, etc.). A helmet and flak jacket that
provide A.R. 11 and S.D.C. 80 as well as a pocket knife, assault rifle and pistol. Also receives one ancient weapon of choice.
Relatives & Connections: The character has a 5% chance of recognizing an old buddy in any mutant animal military unit.
71-73% Gatorland Ninja Operative/Independent Ninja Back Ground
Many mutants in Gatorland, as well as small schools throughout the rest of the known world, are taught the ancient art of Ninjitsu, and taught how to act like the famed ninja from before the Crash. These characters tend to be highly trained in the arts of stealth, combat, and guerilla warfare. Gatorland Ninja Operatives are recruited and trained by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, err, Gang of Four, to perform a variety of tasks for the Gatorland government (such as it is). Independent Ninja are often found alone or in small groups trained by sensei who have mastered the art.74-80% Guerilla Warrior
Apprenticeship: Ninja Operative (NEW!)
Primary Skills: Wilderness Survival, Demolitions, and Demolitions Disposal, along with another four Military Skills, two Physical Skills, three Rogue Skills, and three Weapon Proficiencies
Secondary Skills: Select any five.
Special Bonuses: +2 P.P., +1 P.S., +1 P.E. and +5 to S.D.C.
Money: 3D6 times 20 bucks.
Equipment: A set of basic traveling clothing/everyday wear, one custom ninja suit, as well as one good quality ninja weapon of choice and one other ancient weapon.
Relatives & Connections: If a Gatorland Ninja Operative, the character has contacts with the Gatorland ninja organization, Cardania's Scouts, Rodent Cartel, and other rogue elements on the Eastern Seaboard. Independent Ninja often only have contact with their sensei and/or the sensei's other students, and with a few rogues or locals from their homeland.
81-83% Espionage Agent
With tense relations between many nations, particularly the Empire of Humanity and it's mutant neighbors, many countries employ small, elite groups of espionage agents used to scout out and gather information on their neighboring countries and look out for dangerous groups moving near their home nation.84-87% Raised by Bandits
Apprenticeship: Espionage Agent (NEW!)
Primary Skills: Wilderness Survival, Prowl, Demolitions, and Demolitions Disposal, along with another four Military Skills and four Rogue Skills.
Secondary Skills: Select any six.
Special Bonuses: +1 P.P., +1 P.S., +1 P.E., +3 to Spd, and +5 to S.D.C.
Money: 2D6 times 100 bucks.
Equipment: Full set of clothing and traveling equipment with one firearm an two ancient weapons.
Relatives & Connections: Part of a secret network of espionage agents working for one nation or another.
88-90% Professional Thief
These mutants are the urban version of Bandits and commit crimes among the many mutant animal communities. They are often after personal gain rather than anything else, though there are a few who either steal for the fun of it or to support their families and friends.91-98% One of the Academic Underground
Apprenticeship: Professional Thief (NEW!)
Primary Skills: Literacy, Basic Mathematics, four Rogue Skills, two Scientific & Scholastic Skills, three Weapon Proficiencies, one Pilot Skill and one Domestic Skill.
Secondary Skills: Select any seven.
Special Bonuses: +1 P.P., +1 to M.A. and +1 to M.E.
Money: 2D6 times 1000 bucks.
Equipment: The character is well equipped with clothing, traveling equipment, thieves tools (usually lock picks and a few other odds and ends) as well as two weapons.
Relatives & Connections: Since these characters tend to move from town to town a lot, there's a 3% chance of running into someone who knows them in any village or town.
99-00% Gizmoteer
Often part of the Academic Underground, these mutants have found a natural knack or particular aptitude for one particular discipline. These characters delight in taking things apart, figuring out how they work, and rebuilding them into wild and wonderful gizmos.
Apprenticeship: Gizmoteer (NEW!)
Primary Skills: Select any six Scientific & Scholastic Skills, and four Technical Skills.
Secondary Skills: Select any six.
Special Bonuses: +2 to I.Q, +1 P.P., and +1 to M.E.
Money: 1D4+1 times 1000 bucks.
Equipment: Full set of clothing and traveling equipment, a main weapon, and a computer with a huge library of electronic reference books (pick four specialty topics). Also has a decent selection of tools and parts.
Relatives & Connections: May or may not be part of the secret network of scientists and academics who continue the work of studying, experimenting, publishing, and generally pushing back the dark forces of ignorance. If not, has a 10% chance of recognizing a member who is.
Martial Monk Apprenticeship
Base "Hand to Hand Skill": Select one martial art from among the following; Aikido, Mein-Ch'uan Kung Fu, Bok Pai Kung Fu, Choy Li Fut Kung Fu, Lee Kwan Choo, Li Chia Kung Fu, Pao Pat Mei, Sankukai Karate, Taido, Tai Chi Ch'uan, Te, and Zanji Shinjinken Ryu.
Main Skill: As per martial art style selected above.
Core Skills: All skills from the martial art style.
Military & Weapon Proficiency Skills: Select any two Military Skills (no bonus), plus one W.P. of choice.
Pilot Skills: Select one from Boating, Navigation, Sailing, or Teamster/Wagoner (no bonus).
Ninja Operative Apprenticeship
For at least eight years the character has trained under a ninja sensei in the ways of Ninjitsu. The character has learned how to use the weapons, equipment, and methods of a ninja. They are skilled at silently performing any number of missions, ranging from simple scouting and intelligence gathering to more complex subterfuges and sabotage. Many ninja use their skills to perform assassinations. A ninja works from the shadows, and no one may know their true identity, consequently, any ninja who operates openly as a ninja, continually goes masked and disguised, so no one will know their true identity. Other ninja, more adept at concealing themselves, will opt for simple disguises, often appearing as simple farmers, craftsmen, warriors, bandits, or rogues.
Gatorland Ninja Operatives fulfill a variety of roles including operating trade missions, embassies, acting as the military and administrative officers of Gatorland, and keeping tabs on Gatorland's neighbors (and more importantly any threats to Gatorland). These ninja primarily concentrate on the military and spying aspects of Ninjitsu training. The Gang of Four often employs single operatives and small, commando-style groups as mercenaries, lent out through black market channels to act as bodyguards, scouts, and explorers (and it is rumored, assassins and enforcers) throughout the known world.
Independent Ninja are often trained by sensei in solitary schools that may be found anywhere from remote wilderness locations, to small villages or even hidden among a burgeoning metropolis. Ninja trained in this manner are often independents who act in a variety of ways, typically traveling the land like the Japanese Ronin of old. Occasionally, gangs of these ninja may join together, either for increased opportunities for power (through theft, looting, assassinations, or simply selling the services of the group to the highest bidder) or for protection (of themselves, their sensei, or a group or community).
Base "Hand to Hand Ninjitsu Skill": In the case of combinations of After the Bomb with Ninjas & Superspies, Gatorland Ninja Operatives receive the Ninjitsu martial art style.
Main Skill: Hand to Hand Ninjitsu
Core Skills: All skills from Ninjitusu martial art style.
Military & Weapon Proficiency Skills: Select any two Military Skills (no bonus), plus one W.P. of choice.
Pilot Skills: Select one from Boating, Navigation, Sailing, or Teamster/Wagoner (no bonus).
A list of Ninja Weapons and Equipment:
Descriptions can be found in TMTN&OS, N&S, Rifts: Japan, and Rifts GMG.
Weapons (applicable W.P.(s) listed in parenthesis)Equipment
- Aikuchi/Tanto (Knife) Damage: 1D6; Cost: 30 bucks
- Bisento (Polearm) Damage: 3D6+4; Cost: 300 bucks
- Blow Gun (Targeting) Damage: 1D4, may be coated with poisons or drugs; Cost: 15 bucks
- Bokken (Blunt or Sword) Damage: 2D4; Cost: 30 bucks
- Daisho (Paired) see Katana and Wakizashi
- Hankyu (Archery) [This is the folding ninja bow] Range: 250 feet (76m), Damage: 2D4; Cost: 120 bucks.
- Jitte (Forked) Damage: 1D6; Cost: 60 bucks
- Katana (Sword) Damage: 2D6 or 3D6 for a high quality sword; Cost: 200 bucks for a normal Katana, 1000 bucks higher for a high quality Katana
- Kawanaga (Grappling Hook) Damage: 1D8; Cost: 10 bucks
- Kusari-Fundo (Chain) Damage: 2D6; Cost: 10 bucks
- Kusari-Gama (Chain and Battle Axe) Damage: 1D10--chain, 1D8--sickle; Cost: 50 bucks
- Kyoketsu-shogi (Chain and Battle Axe) Damage: 1D8--chain, 1D6--blade; Cost: 40 bucks
- Manriki-Gusari (Chain) Damage: 1D8; Cost: 8 bucks
- Naginata (Polearm) Damage: 2D6; Cost: 150 bucks
- Ninja-to (Sword) Damage: 2D4; Cost: 80 bucks
- No-Dachi (Sword) Damage: 3D6+4; Cost: 500 bucks
- Nunchaku (Chain) Damage: 2D4; Cost: 20 bucks
- Sai (Forked) Damage: 1D6; Cost: 65 bucks
- Shinobi-Zue (Staff and Chain) Damage: 1D10 for chain, 2D4 for staff; Cost: 40 bucks
- Shikomi-Zue (Staff or Spear) Damage: 2D6 for spear, 2D4 for staff; Cost: 45 bucks
- Shuriken (Targeting) Damage: 1D4; Cost: 30 to 50 bucks
- Tonfa (Blunt) Damage: 1D6; Cost: 20 bucks
- Wakizashi (Sword) Damage: 2D4 or 2D6 for high quality sword; Cost: 100 bucks for a normal Wakizashi, 1000 or higher for a high quality Wakizashi
- Yari (Spear) Damage: 2D6; Cost: 35 bucks
- Chain Cost: see AtB for costs
- Eggshell Bomb Cost: 5 bucks each
- Ippon-Sugi Nobori Cost: 25 bucks
- Ninja Boots Cost: 10 bucks
- Ninja Caltrops (Tetsubishi) 1 point of damage, possible poison; Cost: 5 bits, for materials and/or tools, each
- Ninja Climbing Claws (Foot/Ashiko) Cost: 45 bucks/pair
- Ninja Climbing Claws (Hand/Shuko) Cost: 55 bucks/pair
- Ninja Emergency Kit Cost: 120 bucks
- Ninja Hang Glider (HitoWashi) Cost: 250 bucks
- Ninja Socks (Tabi) Cost: 2 bits/pr
- Ninja Suit (Shinobi Shozoku) Cost: 10 bucks
- Rope Cost: see AtB
- Rope Ladder Cost: x1.5 cost of normal rope, see AtB
Professional Military/Mercenary Apprenticeship
Main Skills: Select one Military Skill program from Ninjas & Superspies and add an additional +10% to those skills.
Core Skills: Select two more Military Skill programs from Ninjas & Superspies.
Espionage Agent Apprenticeship
Main Skill: Select one Espionage Skill Program (excluding the Professional Thief Skill Program) from Ninjas & Superspies and add an additional +10% to those skills.
Core Skills: Select two more Espionage Skill Programs from Ninjas & Superspies.
Professional Thief Apprenticeship
Main Skill: Receives the Professional Thief Skill Program from Ninjas & Superspies with an additional +12% bonus to those skills.
Core Skills: Language (two), Streetwise, W.P. Knife, W.P. Pistol. All get a +10% apprenticeship bonus.
Rogue & Thief Skills: Select six Rogue Skills. All get a +5% apprenticeship bonus.
Gizmoteer Apprenticeship
Main Skill: Select on Gizmoteer Skill Program from Ninjas & Superspies and add an additional +10% to those skills.
Core Skills: Select two more Gizmoteer Skill Programs from Ninjas & Superspies.
[Author's Website: Ninjas & Superspies GMs Netbook]
Posted by
1:12 PM
Labels: apprenticeship, background, guest article