Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Viper Frog (Genetic Chimera)

It is unknown whether this species of viper-frog chimera was the product of wild mutation or the creation of some geneticist from the Pre-Crash Golden Age. Regardless, it has become a very strong species and can be found as far north as the Gatorland Swamps and as far south as the rain forests of Central America. Several feral communities in these areas have taken to collecting these animals for their venom, which they use to poison their weapons.

Size Level: 1 (short)
4 to 4.5 inches
Weight: 3 to 6 ounces
Hit Points: 3
SDC: 4
Psionics: None
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Bite does 1D4+poison, Entangle very small creatures with tongue. Poison Venom will cause paralysis in any creature size level 2 or smaller in two melee rounds and will last for 3D10 minutes (save vs. non-lethal poison reduces duration by half and doubles the time paralysis sets in).
Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +3 to strike, +10 to Dodge, +10 roll with Fall/Impact, +4 vs. poison/disease, immune to psionics.
Natural Abilities: Nocturnal, Reptilian Leaping (special); Predator Burst; Night Vision 90 feet; Prowl 85%
Average Life Span: 6 years
Habitat: Temperate to Tropical Wetlands, Viper Frogs are tree dwellers and excellent jumpers.

Notes: Viper Frogs are carnivores and their diet consist of any animal that will fit in their mouths, even other frogs! Viper Frog venom can be concentrated into two types of poison:

Size LevelDilutedConcentrated
1-5Lethal (1D12 Hit Points/Melee)Lethal (no save - death)
6-10Non-Lethal (Paralysis 1D12 Hours / Save vs. Coma)Lethal (1D12 Hit Points/Melee)
11-15Non-Lethal (Paralysis 1D4 Hours)Lethal (1D6 Hit Points/Melee)
16-18Non-Lethal (Paralysis 3D10 Minutes)Lethal (1D4 Hit Points/Melee)
19-21No AffectNon-Lethal (Paralysis 1D12 Hours / Save vs. Coma)
22+No AffectNo Affect

*Reptilian Leaping: Can leap eight times their length or height both lengthwise and height-wise, and ten times leaping down from a height.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Post-Apocalyptic Images

This guy has several interesting paintings that you might think of using to help set a scene in an AtB game. Click on the image to visit his site.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Quick Adventure Creator

I was thinking what it takes to make an adventure for After the Bomb, or any role-playing game for that matter.

What I've boiled it down to are two very basic elements: Adventure Premise and Themes & Objectives. I suppose motivation could be included, but I wanted to keep this very bare-bones. So if you want to give it a shot pick up that underused D8 and give it a roll.

1) Fight Evil/Corruption
2) Fetch and/or Deliver
3) Investigation
4) Search & Destroy or Recover
5) Exploration/Discovery
6) Double Cross
7) Protect/Rescue the Innocent
8) Survival/Escape

THEMES & OBJECTIVES (roll multiple times if wanted)
1) Technology/Gadgets
2) Mutants (Flora or Fauna) (Wild or Domesticated)
3) Knowledge/Information
4) Empire of Humanity (or other nation)
5) Mutagens (Natural or Man-Made)
6) Wealth/Power
7) Military/Politics
8) Lost/New Nations/Civilizations

Example of use: Robin rolls a 6 (Double Cross) and 7 (Protect/Rescue) on the Adventure Premise table. Then she a 3 (Knowledge) on the Themes. From this Robin begins to formulate the following adventure: The characters are hired to escort a Cardanian spy from New Kennel who was supposed to have stolen important information on Empire operations. However, the person who hired the characters actually a double agent working for New Kennel security using the characters to flush out the spy who actually knows about the double agents identity.

Give it a shot and let me know what you think.

Flying Monkey (Genetic Chimera)

Description: Not wanting to be outshone by the Porkopolis Flying Pigs, geneticists at the Wortman Habitat for Primates in Boulder Colorado created a chimera inspired by the winged primates from the Wizard of Oz. These creatures proved to be so popular that countless variations were created by zoos and circuses all around the world. Unfortunately, some of these creatures had to be destroyed due to genetic defects which caused a few to become extremely violent. There were several instances of them attacking and eating other animals. Following the Crash, these monkeys came near extinction due to their inbred reliance on humans. The few that survived can be found in or near human populations. Those who have broken from their domestication typically stay far away from civilization, preferring life in the woods or mountains.

Original Animal Characteristics

Size Level: 4
Build: Long

Mutant Changes & Cost
Total BIO-E: 30
Attribute Bonuses: +3 IQ, +1 ME, +3 PP, +2 Spd.

Human Features
Hands: Partial
Biped: Partial
Speech: Partial
Looks: None

Natural Weapons
5 BIO-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.
10 BIO-E for 1D4 damage Razor-Sharp Nails.

Mutant Animal Powers
Automatically gets Extra Limbs: Wings & Basic Flight.
Automatically gets Prehensile Tail (use as partial hand)
Automatically gets Prehensile Feet (use as partial hand)
10 BIO-E for Soaring Flight.
15 BIO-E for Raptor Flight.
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision.

Vestigial Disadvantages
-5 BIO-E Vestigial Tail
-5 BIO-E Diet Herbivore
-10 BIO-E Domestication

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Weird Animal Ideas

It's strange the ideas you can come up with for new mutant animal species to insert into AtB. While browsing Reddit, I came across these images:

Flying Monkey

A Really Big Fish


The Frog-fly

Another Frog-fly

The Frogbat
(More Cool Frog Images)

Now all I need to do is create their details.