Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Viper Frog (Genetic Chimera)

It is unknown whether this species of viper-frog chimera was the product of wild mutation or the creation of some geneticist from the Pre-Crash Golden Age. Regardless, it has become a very strong species and can be found as far north as the Gatorland Swamps and as far south as the rain forests of Central America. Several feral communities in these areas have taken to collecting these animals for their venom, which they use to poison their weapons.

Size Level: 1 (short)
4 to 4.5 inches
Weight: 3 to 6 ounces
Hit Points: 3
SDC: 4
Psionics: None
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Bite does 1D4+poison, Entangle very small creatures with tongue. Poison Venom will cause paralysis in any creature size level 2 or smaller in two melee rounds and will last for 3D10 minutes (save vs. non-lethal poison reduces duration by half and doubles the time paralysis sets in).
Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +3 to strike, +10 to Dodge, +10 roll with Fall/Impact, +4 vs. poison/disease, immune to psionics.
Natural Abilities: Nocturnal, Reptilian Leaping (special); Predator Burst; Night Vision 90 feet; Prowl 85%
Average Life Span: 6 years
Habitat: Temperate to Tropical Wetlands, Viper Frogs are tree dwellers and excellent jumpers.

Notes: Viper Frogs are carnivores and their diet consist of any animal that will fit in their mouths, even other frogs! Viper Frog venom can be concentrated into two types of poison:

Size LevelDilutedConcentrated
1-5Lethal (1D12 Hit Points/Melee)Lethal (no save - death)
6-10Non-Lethal (Paralysis 1D12 Hours / Save vs. Coma)Lethal (1D12 Hit Points/Melee)
11-15Non-Lethal (Paralysis 1D4 Hours)Lethal (1D6 Hit Points/Melee)
16-18Non-Lethal (Paralysis 3D10 Minutes)Lethal (1D4 Hit Points/Melee)
19-21No AffectNon-Lethal (Paralysis 1D12 Hours / Save vs. Coma)
22+No AffectNo Affect

*Reptilian Leaping: Can leap eight times their length or height both lengthwise and height-wise, and ten times leaping down from a height.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I think this thing could use a better name... Any suggestions?