This adventure is built in two parts:
Part 1: Daleth
Part 2: Sky High
After weeks of strange weather and reports of strange creatures roaming around the borders of Cardania, the characters have been summoned to a briefing in Smoketown. Once everyone has arrived, read the following:
"You are escorted to a large conference room, empty except for several empty chairs and an long antique looking table at which are seated two official looking persons: a mutant otter wearing the pressed suit of a politician; and a frail looking mutant fox that, with his lab coat and worried look on his face, could only be one of the Academic Underground.
Once you are seated, the otter stands and addresses the characters,
"I am Oregon Young, Scientific Adviser to President Thana. I am sure you are all aware of the odd weather that has been affecting our region and the rumors of strange creatures sighted near our borders. Until recently, we had no reason to believe that these reports were anything to be worried about. However, a few days ago, information was brought to our attention that has changed that opinion..."
The fox squirms uncomfortably in his seat as Young turns his gaze upon the academic.
"This is Professor Hawkes; he is the director of a group of academics known as the Phoenix Institute -- a think tank of rouge scientists, mathematicians, researchers, and others of the academic underground. Early this week, he brought us information that one of the projects his group was working on had gone out of control... I'll let Prof. Hawkes explain."
Young sits back down as the nervous looking fox rises from his chair.
"Two years ago, one of our scouting expeditions came across the ruins of a pre-Death research facility. It had been pretty well picked over, but our scouts found a well-concealed entrance to a lab hidden deep below the ruins. What we found we believed to be some sort of experiment in energy-matter transmission – teleportation. Well, our scientists quickly set up on the site and began their work to see if they could get the equipment working again. It took a lot of time and great effort, but last month I received word that they were ready to bring the equipment online."
The fox stops his oration to dab the sweat from his brow and take a drink of water.
"A week before we lost contact with the site, I received a report from the scientist in charge of the project, Dr. Parfit, had sent me a report that indicated that he found evidence in the old records that the experiment had failed in its attempts at teleportation, but had succeeded in opening a portal - or gateway – to...another dimension!
"His report also stated that they were going to attempt to make an attempt to open the portal once they had completed calibrating the equipment. But that was the last I had heard from him, or anyone at the site. Then the weather started acting strangely and the reports of strange creatures... When none of our scouts in the area reported back I figured that these events were somehow related and shared my information with the President."
"And that's where you come in," says the otter, looking sternly at the group from his chair. "The President has put me in charge of assessing and resolving the situation, and I have chosen you to head to the site with Prof. Hawkes and report back with what you find. Once on the scene, you are to assist and protect the professor as he shuts down the portal, or gateway, or whatever it is that is behind what's going on.
"Keep in mind that this mission is classified and the discussion of it with anyone not associated with this mission is forbidden unless approved by myself or the President. Due to the secrecy of this mission, I cannot authorize any official assistance, but I'm sure that the good Doctor is not without his own resources..."
Mr. Young stands and collects his things and looks at each of you, "If I don't hear back from you in six days, I will assume that your mission is a failure and will have no choice but to move to our back up plan. Good luck."
Oregon Young will not answer any questions as to what the "backup plan" is, but judging by the look on Prof. Hawkes's face, it can’t be anything pleasant. Prof. Hawkes is also reluctant to reveal what this backup plan is, but a cleaver player will be able to break through and get him to reveal that President Thana has authorized the use of a salvaged nuclear device to neutralize the site.
STORY BACKGROUNDThe scientists at Project Daleth momentarily opened a transdimetional gate into a dimension of chaos and let loose a horde or alien creatures into the project. As many as half of the projects scientists and technicians were killed by the aliens as they rampaged through the underground facility, the rest escaped. Six escaped by opening another gateway, the rest tried to flee the project aboveground, but were hunted down by several of the creatures that also escaped.
Prof. Hawes will be able to provide the group with technical equipment that the Phoenix Institute has salvaged and repaired, as well as a vehicle or two for the journey (pre-Death combustion engine vehicles only), he even has access to an aircraft (fixed wing) if one of the characters can pilot it. As for weapons, Hawkes will only be able to offer pistols, revolvers, and a couple bolt-action rifles each with 20 to 30 rounds of ammunition.
Prof. Hawkes will want to get started right away, so any characters that are straggling will put him in a foul mood for the beginning part of the trip.
The project site is located at a facility that is hidden in the Appalachian mountains around 220 miles north of Smoketown, and approximately 110 miles west of the Empire of Humanity. This will require nearly a weeks travel overland (considerably less if the group travels by air*), which opens the possibility of the group encountering one of the "strange creatures" that have been reported wandering, or any number of other random encounters.
* Enterprising characters can find and hire a pontoon plane for 60 Bucks a day. However, his plane can only carry up to 5 passengers and none over a size level of 15. A good rule of thumb is to add the groups size levels together and if the total is under 75, the plane will hold them.
The following is a list of suggested encounters the Game Master may consider tossing at the group as they make their way beyond the protection of Cardainas borders. I would recommend that the GM not overwhelm the group with more than they can handle before they reach the site. I would also suggest that the GM tailor each encounter to best suit the group.
1. Weather turns ugly. The sky goes from cloudless and calm to hazardously stormy. The clouds seem to materialize from nowhere and seem to be of an unusual color. Soon rain is coming down in sheets that make it hard to see more than a few feet, and the wind threatens to down trees. Anyone who insists to continue traveling mush make navigation and control checks (-20%) every 15 minutes. Failure will mean that the group/character has become lost or stuck in the mud. The storm passes in 1D12 x 5 minutes.
2. Shadows in the trees. Have the group make a simple perception check. Those who succeed will see shadowy figures moving amongst the trees. These are just some transdimensional echoes that have been caused by the damaged gateway. Anyone who chooses to chase after the shadows must make a Land Navigation check or become lost in the woods.
3. Bridge washed out. The trail the characters have been following leads to a washed out bridge. The group will have to detour search for a place to ford the river to continue. Luckily, there is an old hermit (mutant rabbit) that lives in the area who knows where one is (3 hours east(downstream)). Unfortunately, the old hermit is mad as a hatter and loves to chat with strangers and his imaginary friends.
4. Free Cattle Patrol. 1D4+2 mutant animals are checking into reports of the strange happenings in the area. They will ask the group if they have encountered anything odd, but not detain them unless they are riding animals, or using any as pack mules. They do not know about the Gateway project, and will most likely try to apprehend the group if they find out that Cardania is behind the strange happenings.
5. Alien Creatures. The group is attacked by 1D4 simian creatures that escaped the transdimensional gateway. [stats pending]

Those arriving by land will approach on an old dirt trail winding through the woodlands from the west. Those arriving by pontoon plane will land at the camps dock that extends into the lake to the east. If the group has access to a normal aircraft, they will find a clearing large enough to land it in about a mile off to the west. However, the ground there is pretty rough so the pilot must make a skill check while landing (-15%) or damage the landing gear, requiring 3 hours to repair (Aircraft Mechanics or Mechanics: Basic (-10%)). Trying to take off with damaged gear will cause a -25% piloting check - crashing the plane on a failure.
The site's ruins have been reclaimed by the forest except for a few sturdy buildings that have resisted natures advances. It is in the basement of one of these buildings that the entrance into Project Daleth (Hebrew for doorway) is concealed. Prof. Hawkes knows which building the entrance is and the key code to open it, but not exactly where in the building.
A dozen of the aliens that came through the transdimensional gateway were able to exit the project while workers were escaping and before the main door was closed. They have since taken up residence in several of the building ruins and will attack anyone they see wandering outside (see map for occupied buildings and Daleth entrance).
In the basement of the building is a large reinforced security door. On the floor beneath the doors security keypad is the dead body of a project worker who stayed behind to lock the door and seal the project. Apparently he was attacked and killed by the TD aliens that escaped.

2) Dr. Parfit's Quarters
3) Staff Dorms: Each designed to house two workers.
4) Rec Room
5) Laundry Room
6) Cafeteria
7) Kitchen: Three TD Aliens are scavenging for food.
8) Cooler
9) Various Labs & Offices
10) Communications Room
11) Medical Bay
12) Dr. Parfit's Office
13) Gateway Control
14) Gateway Operations Center
15) Gateway Room
16) Storage Vaults
T) Toilets
1) Lower Landing
The area is a mess. A couple mutilated bodies litter the floor along with scattered equipment, clothing and a mattress. Access to the stairs and elevators requires key codes known to all staff and Dr. Hawkes. The elevator doors look as though something rather strong has tried to beat it's way through (AR 8; SDC 200(currently at 120)).
2) Dr. Parfit's Quarters
Like the rest of the rest of the quarters, this room has been ransacked by the alien creatures. However, hidden amongst the debris is a floor safe containing Parfit's diary. However, it is written in code that will take quite some time to decipher.
3) Staff Dorms
Each room was set up to house two scientists. All these rooms have been ransacked. There is a 20% chance of encountering one or two of the alien creatures in these rooms.
4) Rec Room
The room is equipped with several old pre-death arcade machines, big screen video wall, media center, and fitness equipment. It's in a bit of a mess, but everything is still operational.
7) Kitchen
Four of the alien creatures have made their nest in the kitchen. Once all of the scientists that were trapped inside had been killed and eaten, this was the only place they could find food. They are currently trying to open the large door into the meat cooler (room #8).
8) Meat Cooler
Door: AR 14; SDC 500 (currently at 320)
10) Communication Room
Most of the equipment has been damaged and will require at least 8 hours to repair (-20% Basic Radio, -10% Basic Electronics. Failed roll adds 4 hours to repair time). However, oddly, this room is found locked from the inside. One of the alien creatures accidentally locked itself in the room and damaged some of the equipment in it's frustration. It is now sleeping behind one of the equipment racks.
12) Dr. Parfit's Office
The office is a mess. Most of the furniture and computers are broken, and it looks like something may have died in one of the corners. Hawkes immediately runs to the computer terminal at the desk and starts working to repair it.
NOTE: This will take at least an hour due to the damage done to everything in the room. If the characters have nothing to do, this may be a good time for the characters to rest, explore, help repair the computers, or Hawkes may ask them to scavenge for parts for the computer.
Once the repairs are completed, read the following to the players:
Hawkes presses a few key on the restored terminal causing a large panel on the far wall to slides away and reveal a large video screen.
The screen comes to life with the words, 'Phoenix Institute Research Project: Daleth. Gateway Operations Test, August 7 0428hrs.' The screen then changes to an image of some sort of laboratory filled with computers and other pre-death technology. A mutant goat in a lab coat stands in the foreground while several technicians work behind him. The speakers fill the room with the sound of loud machinery, which the goat has to shout over.
"This is the log of Dr. Parfit, in charge of Project Daleth. The time is nearly 4:30 am on the morning of August 7th, and we are now finalizing preparations for our latest attempt at opening the gateway. The last few attempts have been showing great promise, and we are very confident that we now have the equipment properly calibrated."
"Thirty seconds," shouts a mutant mouse in the background.
"Once the gateway is opened, we will send through a probe to see what's on the other side."
The goat turns around and looks on as the mouse continues to count down. When he reaches zero, the sound of all the machinery nearly vanishes as a bright light washes out the screen. When the image returns you see a glowing ball of glimmering light, like a ball of water, illuminated from the inside, freestanding in the center of the room. All the technicians stare in awe, but Dr. Parfit snaps them out of it by ordering them to send the probe into the gateway.
Several tense moments pass as the technicians move the probe into position. However, as soon as the probe breeches the surface of the gateway, dozens of dark figures silhouetted by the light come streaming through the gateway and into the room.
The quiet is replaced by screams of terror and carnage. The screen turns to the snow of static. When it returns the scene is at an angle as the camera had apparently been knocked on its side while the picture had been lost. In the background you see that the glowing gateway has vanished, and off screen you hear the voice of the mouse from earlier shouting to others to make sure the door was secured.
The mouse then steps in front of the camera and sets it upright again.
"We have been overrun by those things from the gateway. Dr. Parfit is dead, those things..." The mouse takes a moment to recompose himself. "A few of us have been able to barricade ourselves in the main lab, but the door will not hold for long. We have decided to recalibrate and re-open the gateway in hopes that it will take us someplace safe. If you don't hear from us again, please find us.
"Professor Hawkes - if you are viewing this - there is much Parfit has not sent in his reports that I..."
A sudden crash from off screen followed by a scream suggests that the barricade is failing, and the mouse and several others turn and rush to re-open the gateway. Shortly after the last one is through the re-opened gateway, several hairy creatures enter the screen and start bashing at the equipment. Sparks fly and the gateway flickers and vanishes.
The last thing the video shows is the hairy face of some feral looking simian creature as it swings a club at the camera and sends the screen back to snow.
13) Gateway Control
This is the main control room where the transdimentional gateway is controlled. There is a large glass window (AR 18; SDC 1000) that looks over the Operations Center. The only door (AR 18; SDC 800) into the room was deadbolt locked when the gateway was opened to the chaos dimension, luckily no one was in the room at the time as the gateway was being controlled from a secondary system in the Gateway Room. The series of key codes that will unlock the door are known only to the surviving scientists who escaped through the gateway.
14) Gateway Operations Center
The doors to this room have been forced open, the remnants of a barricade made of several heavy desks lay just inside the doorway. Computer terminals, once set up on the tables used for the barricade, lay on the floor in front of a large video screen set into the far wall. All of the computers can be put back into service with a with a Computer Repair skill check, however they are only there to monitor the transdimensional gateway and offer no actual control over it's operation.
Two large sliding vault doors (AR 18; SDC 2500) connect this room to the Gateway Room. The doors are unlocked and open.
Three large curved metal beams stand prominently in the center of this room. These beams form the arch which is supposed to contain the transdimensional gateway. Over the past two years the group of scientists at Daleth have been piecing together the records of the pre-Death project in an attempt to discover the secrets of the gateway. Earlier this year they finally made the breakthrough when they got an odd piece of hardware working again and attached to the system. What Doctor Parfit didn't share with the other scientists, or with the Phoenix Institute, was that he had discovered that the odd hardware - and the arches themselves - were not of not made on this planet, and were alien in origin.
A bank of computers along the southwest wall are the gateways secondary control point. These computers suffered quite a bit of damage after the project scientists made their escape through the gateway. Fortunately, the transdimensional coordinates the scientists used are still in the system and the players should be able to retrieve them once the system has been repaired.
Repairing the system will require Computer Repair and either Electronics: Basic or Electrical Engineer at -30% on all checks. The time the repairs will take is 12 hours +1D6 hours per failed roll.
NPCs & Notes
Unless otherwise mentioned, doors in the facility have the following stats:
Main Entrance Vault Door: AR 20; SDC 10,000
Dorm & Utility Doors: SDC 80
Office Doors: AR 14; SDC 600
Prof. Howard Hawkes
Alignment: Anarchist
Attributes: IQ 26, ME 10, MA 8, PS 11, PE 10, PP 13, PB 15, Spd. 14
Age: 27 Gender: Male
Species: Fox
Size Level: 10
Hit Points: 20 SDC: 30
Disposition: Agitated
Human Features
Hands -- Full
Biped -- Full
Speech -- Full
Looks -- None
Powers: None
Psionics: None
Background: Academic Underground
Occupation: Scientist / Director of Phoenix Institute (Smoketown)
Skills of Note: All Science and Computer Skills
Weapon Proficiencies: None
Attacks per Melee: 2
Bonuses: None
Personal Profile: pending
Transdimensional Chaos Alien
Species: Unknown (Alien Simian)
Size Level: 9 (average)
Looks: Alien; Speech: Alien; Hands: Partial; Biped: Partial
Avg. Stats: IQ 15, ME 12, MA 3, PS 20, PE 19, PB 3, PP 16, Spd: 25
Hit Points: 25 SDC: 48
Disposition: Chaotic. These creatures will attack anything that does not look or smell like them.
Attacks per Melee: 3
Psionics/Powers: 15% chance of having one Psionic power (usually Mind Trap or a Bio-Manipulation power)
Skills of Note: Wilderness Survival
Weapon Proficiencies: Blunt, Chain, Net, Spear, Targeting
Damage: Bite does 1D8, Claws do 1D6+PS
Bonuses: +2 to Strike, +2 to Parry
Natural Abilities: Color Blind, Night Vision 60', Advanced Smell, Rodent Leaping, Prowl 40%
1 comment:
Keep up the good work. I'm interested to see how this adventure plays out. So far so good.
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