This adventure was designed using First Edition rules and was written for a group of four to six well established (3rd to 5th level) adventurers with no specific background or power requirements. However, having access to a Road Hogs™ vehicle will come in handy. Individual GMs may want to change some aspects of this adventure to better suit your group.
The characters are summed to the residence of Charley Wendt, a wealthy local rancher, by two of his burly "assistants", Harry and Ron.
"I appreciate you meeting with me on such short notice, but this is a matter of some urgency to me. Last week I sent my daughter to purchase an artifact from a collector in Sweet Greens, and three days ago I received word that she had made the purchase and was returning home with the artifact by airship. Then, last night, we received word from the airship's company that the cargo ship my daughter was on had radioed in distress that it was damaged and going down. No details were given and no word has been received since.
The company says that they are unwilling to send anyone to check on them as they were flying through a dangerous area at the time. It seems that my daughter had persuaded that pilot to take a shortcut in order to return home sooner.
Please, I beg of you, I need you to find out if my daughter survived the crash and return her home in whatever condition you find her."
If the characters agree to take the job, Charles will negotiate a price starting at $900. However, he can easily be negotiated up to $1,500 plus fuel and repairs once the job is complete.
Once the characters agree to the terms, Charles continues, "I will have one of my pilots take you and your vehicle(s) to Lake City which is the nearest town to the area where the airship's last radio communication came from. My man will wait for you there until you return with word of my daughters fate."
The wealthy rancher starts sobbing in grief and waves for his "assistants" to escort the PCs out, but then adds, before they leave..."Oh, I would also appreciate it if you could try to recover the artifact my daughter had bought in Sweet Greens -- if it survived the crash. I would so hate to see my daughters hard work go to waste."
If asked what the artifact is that his daughter was sent to Sweet Greens for, the rancher will not answer directly, saying that his people will give them all the information they will need. If the characters persist, Charles will threaten to reduce their pay if they continue.
Once the characters are ready to leave, one of the ranchers assistants will give the characters a tracking device and tell them that the girl should have placed the artifact in a crate and attached a homing beacon on it. The tracking device should help them locate the crate and, in turn, the old mans daughter. Unfortunately, the beacon only has a range of about 10 km.
Once the characters are on their way it will take them eighteen hours to reach Lake City. Far from a city actually, Lake City is a hamlet of about ten ramshackle buildings, population 82 (kangaroos, dingoes, and frilled lizards), bordering a dried up lake bed out in the middle of a barren stretch of dirt.
The area is very hot during the day, frosty cold at night, and bone dry. A single windmill stands in the center of town bringing up what little water it can from the dirt. The people in this town are xenophobic, so when the ship first touches down, the townsfolk head indoors and close the windows.
Characters can find about a dozen locals holed up in the local pub, Pepper's Oasis which seems to be the best spot to look for some information on where the rancher's daughter might have crashed. Unfortunately, one of the locals here, Billy Treet, is a member of the Devil Dogs Gang. Billy will act very helpful towards the players when he hears them asking about the downed airship and offer to escort them to the crash site 12 km north of town. Nobody in the bar will be willing to counter Billy, as they don't want to make trouble with the Devil Dogs.
If the characters are able to get information from someone else in town (most of them know about the crash site's location 15 km north of town), Billy, Sammy, and Bob Treet will ambush the characters shortly after they arrive at the site.
Billy Treet take advantage of the characters interest and lead them out into the local wastes where he and his brothers, Sammy and Bob, can ambush them at the crash site. However, these characters are incompetent hacks that the characters should be able to easily deal with. Sammy will usually be riding in the sidecar and manning the Machinegun while Bob or Billy drives. The brothers have also hidden their old truck nearby in case they need to escape.
Treet Brothers Motorcycle & Sidecar
Base SDC: 55 / 20
Vehicle Armor AR: 14/10 SDC: 150/80
Speed Class: 8 (120/70)
Weapons: Light Machinegun fixed mounted on sidecar: 5D6 Damage (Weapon jams on a natural 1 - 4)
Description: This old Motorcycle and sidecar is covered in dirt, rust, and old pre-Death bumper stickers. The Treet brothers have mounted an old police siren on the bike.
Treet Brothers Pick-Up Truck
Base SDC: 220
Vehicle Armor AR: 14 SDC: 190
Speed Class: 7 (105/65)
Description: An old beat-up pick-up crudely covered in metal armor plating. A flaming Devil Dog emblem is painted on the hood of the truck.
Once the PCs have dealt with this minor delay, or are able to get some useful information from some other local, they will find that the tracking device is buried under some of the wreckage.
Searching the wreckage, the characters will find no sign of the crew, the girl, or the crate. What they will find are faint vehicle tracks leading off into the wastes (three tracking rolls (-20%) are needed to stay on track).
Following the vehicle tracks 20 km west, the characters will find a fairly large camp located in a deep snaking canyon. The canyons walls rise 10 to 15 meters (30 to 45 feet) on both sides. The bandit's forces number about 20 animals of various species. Most are armed with old rifles, revolvers, and archaic weapons (clubs, bows, and chains), while the leaders are armed with newer automatic and semi-automatic weapons, grenades/dynamite, and/or heavy weapons.
Observation of the camp will reward with the following: It's pretty much a dump with about two dozen tents and low buildings, a paddock housing a dozen mutant Drone Flies, a water pump, generator house, fuel dump, and radio tower in addition to those items mentioned earlier.
The characters might also see a flat bed truck with a large 3'x3' crate with the ranchers brand on the side in a large shed near the canyon wall. They will also see the ranchers daughter being dragged into a large tent in the middle of the camp. Seven armed and armored vehicles (2 ATVs, 4 motorcycles, and 2 dune buggies), and an armored airship should also be noted to the observing character.
The two ATVs are broken down (stats not given) and scheduled for repair once they get the right parts. Also, the Devil Dog's airship pilot died a week ago, so they do not have anyone to pilot it (stats not given).
Devil Dogs Motorcycles:
Base SDC: 75
Vehicle Armor AR: 14 SDC: 350
Speed Class: 13 (195/95)
Description: Old dirt bikes that have been armored, and painted red and black with the Devil Dog symbol. The seats have been modified so that it seats a driver (forward) and a gunner (rear).
Devil Dogs Dune Buggies:
Base SDC: 450
Vehicle Armor AR: 14 SDC: 350
Passenger Compartment Armor: AR: 12 SDC: 250
Speed Class: 12 (180/90)
Weapons: A swivel mounted Light Machinegun on rear facing forward. 5D6 Damage (Weapon jams on a natural 1 - 4)
Description: These old desert dune buggies are lightly armored and covered in desert camo. The gunners on these vehicles usually carry a half-dozed molotov cocktails which they will use if they get close enough to an enemy vehicle.
The Devil Dog's War Wagon! (Hidden in one of the low buildings near the center of the camp)
Base SDC: 500
Vehicle Armor AR: 16 SDC: 700Passenger Compartment Armor: AR: 16 SDC: 500
Speed Class: 14 (210/100)
Forward Fixed Mounted Rocket Tube 8D6 damage (4 rockets)
Forward Swivel Mounted Medium Machinegun 6D6 damage
Rear Turret Mounted Flame Thrower 4D6 damage (AR: 14 SDC: 400)
Leftside Swivel Mounted Light Machinegun 5D6Rightside Swivel Mounted Light Machinegun 5D6
Four Gun Ports on both sides Description: Built over the body of an old bus. This is the largest vehicle in the gang's motor pool, and often used to recruit new grunts or as a troop transport.
What's Going On?
The Devil Dogs are local scavengers attacking anyone passing through (or over) their domain. When they searched the downed airship they took the girl and crew prisoner (for sale as slaves, replace their pilot, and/or used as ransom), and looted the ships cargo (the beacon on the ranchers crate was dislodged in the crash). The bandits have already gone through most of the cargo crates marked to contain fruit, vegetables, and water, but have yet to open the ranchers crate. The crew and the girl are being kept in one of the low buildings the gang uses as a jail house (guarded by two gunts) while they decide what to do with them.
The Devil Dogs:
Individually, the regular gang members are pushovers. However, in groups they work quite well together, especially if one of their commanders is with them. A dozen of them are specialized in vehicular combat, and another half-dozen are trained to pilot Drone Flies. The rest are just 1st level grunts in training.
What's up with the Rancher?
Is he just an wealthy old man who's more concerned with getting his "artifact" back than with the welfare of his daughter? I leave that to the GM to decide.
What's in the Box?
The artifact the ranchers daughter bought is... actually, I don't know what it is yet. I've though about it being a robot/android, a super engine, a weapon, some mysterious computer/AI, or just a mysterious object that may, or may not, work. Any input here is welcome. Just remember, the characters are supposed to return it to the rancher in the end (unless the daughter gifts it to them (hush-hush) for helping her escape).
Charley Wendt
Alignment: Unprincipled
Attributes: IQ 12, ME 23, MA 9, PS 15, PE 14, PP 5, PB 12, Spd. 9
Age: 40 Gender: Male
Species: Magpie Goose
Size Level: 9
Hit Points: 38 SDC: 45
Disposition: Greedy
Human Features
Hands -- Full (Extra Limbs)
Biped -- Full
Speech -- Full
Looks -- None
Powers: None
Psionics: Communicate with Mutant Insects
Background: Aboriginal Insect Herder
Occupation: Insect Rancher (5th Level)
Skills of Note: Pilot Mutant Insect, Dreamtime Lore, Australian Nature Lore, Find & Prepare Bush Tucker, Land Navigation, Wilderness Survival, Hand to Hand: Basic
Weapon Proficiencies: Boomerang, Spear & Spear Thrower
Attacks per Melee: 4
Bonuses: +2 to Strike, +2 to Dodge, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +2 to Pull/Roll
Personal Profile: Charley is a wealthy local Insect Rancher whose only true obsession is with wealth and power. Mr. Wendt started out an honorable man who's passion was working with the mutant insects of the Outback, but when his family ranch was destroyed and his leg crippled by bandits, Charley's personality changed.
Alignment: Miscreant
Attributes: IQ 13, ME 12, MA 12, PS 21, PE 16, PP 12, PB 9, Spd. 23
Age: 21 Gender: Male
Species: Dingo
Size Level: 11
Hit Points: 28 SDC: 64
Human Features
Hands -- Full
Biped -- Partial
Speech -- Partial
Looks -- None
Natural Weapons: Teeth (1D6)
Psionics: None
Background: Tassieland Militia
Occupation: Bodyguard (3rd Level)
Skills of Note: Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal, Read Sensory Equipment, Tracking, Land Navigation, Athletics, Boby Building, Climbing, Running, Hand to Hand:Basic (4th Level)
Weapon Proficiencies: Revolver, Rifle, Blunt
Attacks per Melee: 4
Bonuses: +2 to Pull/Roll with punch/fall, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +2 to Strike, +6 to Damage
Alignment: Miscreant
Attributes: IQ 7, ME 16, MA 14, PS 23, PE 20, PP 12, PB 7, Spd. 24
Age: 40 Gender: Male
Species: Dingo
Size Level: 10
Hit Points: 28 SDC: 55
Human Features
Hands -- Full
Biped -- Partial
Speech -- Full
Looks -- None
Natural Weapons: Claws (1D4)
Psionics: None
Background: Tassieland Militia
Occupation: Bodyguard (3rd Level)
Skills of Note: Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal, Read Sensory Equipment, Tracking, Land Navigation, Athletics, Boby Building, Climbing, Running, Hand to Hand: Basic (4th Level)
Weapon Proficiencies: Revolver, Rifle, Blunt
Attacks per Melee: 4
Bonuses: +2 to Pull/Roll with punch/fall, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +2 to Strike, +8 to Damage
Billy Treet
Alignment: Diabolic
Attributes: IQ 9, ME 9, MA 9, PS 19, PE 15, PP 8, PB 11, Spd. 10
Age: 19 Gender: Male
Species: Rat Kangaroo
Size Level: 11
Hit Points: 20 SDC: 40
Human Features
Hands -- Partial
Biped -- Partial
Speech -- Full
Looks -- None
Powers: Nightvision
Psionics: Mind Speak
Background: Biker (Road Hogs)
Occupation: Gang Member (Level 1)
Skills of Note: Pilot: Automobile, Race Car, Truck, and Motorcycle; Escape Artist; Land Navigation; Basic Mechanics; HtH: Basic
Weapon Proficiencies: Sub-Machinegun, Automatic & Semi-Automatic Rifle, Revolver, Heavy
Attacks per Melee: 2
Bonuses:+2 to pull/roll with punch/fall, +4 Damage
Sammy Treet
Alignment: Diabolic
Attributes: IQ 9, ME 8, MA 13, PS 22, PE 13, PP 11, PB 17, Spd. 16
Age: 18 Gender: Male
Species: Rat Kangaroo
Size Level: 12
Hit Points: 23 SDC: 52
Human Features
Hands -- Partial
Legs -- Partial
Speech -- Full
Looks -- None
Powers: Nightvision
Psionics: None
Background: Biker (Road Hogs)
Occupation: Gang Member (Level 1)
Skills of Note: Pilot: Automobile, Race Car, Truck, and Motorcycle; Athletics; Body Building; Pick Locks; HtH: Basic
Weapon Proficiencies: Sub-Machinegun, Automatic & Semi-Automatic Rifle, Revolver, Heavy
Attacks per Melee: 2
Bonuses: +2 to pull/roll with punch/fall, +7 Damage
Bob Treet
Alignment: Miscreant
Attributes: IQ 13, ME 6, MA 8, PS 19, PE 12, PP 6, PB 7, Spd. 14
Age: 19 Gender: Male
Species: Rat Kangaroo
Size Level: 10
Hit Points: 19 SDC: 35
Human Features
Hands -- Partial
Legs -- Full
Speech -- Full
Looks -- None
Powers: None
Psionics: Summon Willie-Willie
Background: Biker (Road Hogs)
Occupation: Gang Member (Level 1)
Skills of Note: Pilot: Automobile, Race Car, Truck, and Motorcycle; Wilderness Survival; First Aid; Auto Mechanics; HtH: Basic
Weapon Proficiencies: Sub-Machinegun, Automatic & Semi-Automatic Rifle, Revolver, Heavy
Attacks per Melee: 2
Bonuses: +2 to pull/roll with punch/fall, +4 Damage
Alignment: Aberrant
Attributes: IQ 14, ME 15, MA 13, PS 21, PE 19, PP 13, PB 8, Spd. 9
Age: 24 Gender: Male
Species: Tasmanian Devil
Size Level: 9
Hit Points: 30 SDC: 45
Human Features
Hands -- Full
Legs -- Full
Speech -- Full
Looks -- None
Powers: Advanced Smell
Psionics: None
Background: Mentored
Occupation: Gang Member (Level 3)
Skills of Note: Detect Ambush; Concealment; Escape Artist; Tracking; Wilderness Survival; Basic Mechanics; Auto Mechanics; Body Building; Prowl; Pilot: Automobile, Truck, Motorcycle; Read Sensory Instruments; HtH: Martial Arts
Weapon Proficiencies: Chain, Knife, Sword
Attacks per Melee: 4
Bonuses: +4 to pull/roll with punch/fall, +6 Damage, +3 to Parry, +3 to Dodge
WayneAlignment: Anarchist
Attributes: IQ 15, ME 12, MA 11, PS 19, PE 18, PP 13, PB 12, Spd. 26
Age: 22 Gender: Male
Species: Goanna
Size Level: 7
Hit Points: 26 SDC: 49
Human Features
Hands -- Full
Biped -- Partial
Speech -- None
Looks -- None
Natural Weapons: Whipsaw Tail
Psionics: Communicate with Mutant Insects, Mind Speak, Sixth Sense
Background: Aborigine Hunter
Occupation: Gang Member (Level 3)
Skills of Note: Climbing; Athletics; Prowl; Running; Swimming; Dreamtime Lore; Australian Nature Lore; Find & Prepare Bush Tucker; Pilot Mutant Insect; Aboriginal Medicine; HtH: Basic
Weapon Proficiencies: Revolver, Boomerang, Targeting (grenades), Blunt, Knife
Attacks per Melee: 4
Bonuses: +2 to Pull punch, +3 to Roll with fall, +4 Damage, +3 to Parry, +3 to Dodge, +1 to Strike with Body Block/Tackle (1D4)
Devil Dogs (Drivers & Gunners)
These mutant animals are all local boys driven bad by their situation. However, while none of them have any reason to back down from a fight, they will usually flee once they have depleted their SDC and return later with six or more Devil Dogs.
Species: Pigs & Dingos
Skill Level: 1
Size Level: 9 (average)
Looks: None; Speech: Full; Hands: Full; Biped: Full
Avg. Stats: IQ 16, ME 8, MA 8, PS 14, PE 14, PB 8, PP 15, Spd: 25
Hit Points: 19 SDC: 50
Leather Armor AR: 10 SDC: 40
Disposition: Trigger happy, Agressive
Attacks per Melee: 2
Bonuses: +1 to damage; +2 to roll with punch/fall
Psionics/Powers: None
Skills of Note: Pilot Motorcycle & Truck, Navigation; Read Sensory Equipment; Wilderness Survival; HtH: Basic
Weapon Proficiencies: Blunt, Chain, Heavy, and Semi & Full-Auto Rifle
Devil Dogs (Insect Riders)
These mutant animals were brought into the gang by Wayne, are loyal to him above all else. They take very good care of their insect steeds and will leave a fight once their insect has lost three-quarters of their SDC. One of their more feared tactics is to drop grenades on, or in front of, an enemy from above.
Species: Komodo Dragons & Goannas
Skill Level: 2
Size Level: 7 (average)
Looks: None; Speech: Partial; Hands: Partial; Biped: Partial
Avg. Stats: IQ 19, ME 13, MA 8, PS 10, PE 9, PB 7, PP 14, Spd: 19
Hit Points: 15 SDC: 30
Leather Armor AR: 10 SDC: 40
Disposition: Quiet & Tactical
Attacks per Melee: 2
Bonuses: +1 to strike; +2 to pull/roll with punch/fall
Psionics/Powers: Mind Speak
Skills of Note: Pilot Mutant Insect, Navigation; Wilderness Survival; Prowl; HtH: ExpertWeapon Proficiencies: Spear & Spear Thrower, Woomera, Boomerang, Targeting (Grenades), and Revolver
Devil Dogs Grunts
Hoping to join up with the Devil Dogs, these grunts are typically young kids in training. These kids are given lowly jobs around the camp (cooking, fueling and cleaning the vehicles, or put on guard details). None are competent at piloting and of the vehicles, and are only proficient at using one or two weapons.
Species: Rat Kangaroos & Dingos
Skill Level: ~1
Size Level: 9 (average)
Looks: None; Speech: Full; Hands: Full; Biped: Full
Avg. Stats: IQ 12, ME 8, MA 6, PS 13, PE 10, PB 8, PP 13, Spd: 18
Hit Points: 10 SDC: 10
Leather Armor AR: 8 SDC: 20
Disposition: Trigger happy, easily frightened
Attacks per Melee: 2
Psionics/Powers: None
Skills of Note: Wilderness Survival
Weapon Proficiencies: Blunt, Woombera
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Mutants Down Under Adventure: Devil Dogs
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2:24 PM
Labels: adventure, Mutants Down Under
Monday, May 07, 2007
Mutants In Orbit Adventure: Project X-Ray
This adventure was designed using First Edition rules and was written for a group of four to six well established (3rd to 5th level) adventurers with no specific background (other than being from the Mutants in Orbit™ setting) or power requirements. Individual GMs may want to change some aspects of this adventure to better suit your group.
The group will receive a communication from a Mr. Johnson on Yuro Station. In the communication, Mr. Johnson requests that the group meet him at midnight (Yuro time) at the "Stargate" in Italy Wing to discuss a job, he also includes access information for an secure Yuro Bank account containing IOU 2000 (or IOU 500 per character), with another 500 per character deposited if they accept the job.
The Communication is untraceable beyond that it originated from Yuro station. Mr. Johnson also made sure that there was no other way of identifying who he is.
If the group is not from Yuro, Laika, or Outcast Stations, the GM may wish to have Mr. Johnson include forged travel passes to help them gain access to Yuro Station. However, for these characters, it may be more fun to have them find their own way aboard, and should be rewarded appropriately.
Gaining entry to Yuro Station can be a difficult task for those associated with space stations and factions that Yuro views unfavorably (see Mutants in Orbit). Most can gain access by applying for a travel pass, or gaining one by doing business with someone on the station. However, these passes cost IOU 200 and can take weeks to receive security clearance. Bribing officials can cut the processing time down to a few days or even hours depending on how good the bribe is.
Other ways to get aboard can include stowing away on a cargo ship, forging documents, sneaking in through unguarded airlocks, etc.
Once aboard, there is still a chance that station security may request to check the groups documents, if they have any. Those found to be on the station illegally may be jailed, deported, and/or sentenced to manual labor.
Italy Wing, one of the eight nation-cylinders that make up Yuro Station, is divided into twelve blocks which are designated as: residential, commercial, docking, warehousing/storage, factory, medical, support, etc...
In this adventure, the commercial block "The Stargate" is located in is the block that connects Italy Wing to Yuro Station's hub. The "Florence Institute" and "Project X-Ray" are located in a Medical Block located two blocks down, away from the hub. One residential block separates the two.
The Stargate is a Disco club located in one of Italy wing's shadier commerce blocks near the hub. It is particularly popular among the younger crowds from all over the station, attracted by the thumping tunes, flashing lights, and large dance floors. Mr. Johnson will wait for a while after the group enters the club – wanting to be sure they were not followed - before approaching them and directing them to a secluded booth in the back of the club. Before he begins talking, he will activate a small privacy device designed to cancel the ambient noise of the club.
Mr. Johnson will not divulge his real name for his own, and the group's, protection. Mr. Johnson was, until a short time ago, a prisoner of a secret Psionics project in Italy wing called Project X-Ray. The project is attempting to boost and train the psychic powers of its "subjects" and then sell them as espionage tools to the highest bidder. During his time in captivity, Mr. Johnson came into telepathic contact with another captive, Octavian. Octavian is the project's golden child, a powerful psychic whose psionic powers have been boosted so much the project must keep him under constant sedation to control him. However, Octavian had been able to poke out of his drugged state enough on a few occasions for the two of them to communicate and devise an escape plan for Mr. Johnson. The idea was for Mr. Johnson to escape and find someone to break into the project, free Octavian and the other subjects, and destroy or at least cripple the project.
If asked how Mr. Johnson escaped, he tells them that over the period of a month, Octavian was able to implant a series of memories into one of the projects security guards that Mr. Johnson was a friend and that the guard would help him escape. The plan worked, but when the project's security director found out, he had the guard shot and tossed out an airlock. Also, the project was able to convince the wings security force that Mr. Johnson is a spy working for Freedom Station, making him a wanted fugitive.
If asked why he didn't free Octavian, or why Octavian can't free himself the same way, Mr. Johnson will tell the group that Octavian to heavily secured and guarded by robots which cannot be affected by Octavian's abilities.
If the group accepts the job, Mr. Johnson will relate the following information:
- Project X-Ray, and is located in the Florence Medical Institute under the cover of the J.B. Rhine Psychic Research Center
- The project's director is Prof. Alexander Marciano Italia
- The project's chief of security is Col. Yuri Marcinsizyn, an ex-Laika security officer
- Other than Octavian, there are three other psionics held captive in the project
- The project employs several minor psionics as security personnel
If they are able to get Octavian out of the project, another IOU 10,000 will be deposited into the account (this amount is negotiable, GM's discretion). If asked how he was able to get the money to pay the group, he will simply reply, with a grin, that it is his gift.
Characters trying to gather information on Project X-Ray will only be able to dredge up information on the wing's plans to build an X-Ray weapon. Hacking into the Florence Institute (-10% modifier) , characters will find Prof. Marciano, Col. Marcinsizyn, and 40 other individuals linked with the J.B. Rhine Center, the institutes psychical research center. Air duct routes, life support controls, and floor plans (minus any detailed information) can be obtained hacking into Yuro Station's engineering system (-10% modifier).
Security cameras and computer network for the J.B. Rhine Center and Project X-Ray are not connected to anything outside the facility's walls, and will need to be hacked on site (-20% Skill Modifier)
Getting hold of some station or wing service uniforms could be an adventure in itself, but should be relatively easy.
Getting into the project's facility may be the hardest part of the job. If the group asked Mr. Johnson about gaining entrance he will have suggested the following:
Air Ducts: Characters of Size Level 13 or greater with a Large or Medium build will not be able to enter the air ducts. On a space station air ducts are very important to the survival of it's inhabitants, thus air ducts can be found leading everywhere on board. The air ducts leading to the Florence Institute are nothing special and only protected by locked security grates every fifty yards or more. Characters can use computer or electronics skills to bypass the lock mechanism or a PS of 25 or greater can force open the grate. The grates have a SDC of 30.
The air ducts in Project X-Ray, however, have more security in place. In addition to the security grates, they are patrolled periodically by small automated security bots and heat sensors. Bypassing the security locks comes with a -20% modifier while within the project. Three failed attempts to bypass the locks, or attempts to force open a grate will cause alarms to be activated and the section of the air duct to be locked down and purged with a nerve agent that will incapacitate the group, go to Captured section. If the group can make it past all the security systems, they will only be able to get as far as Level 4.
Airlock: There is one air lock that can be used to access the facility's 4th level. Skill checks to bypass the airlock's security lock are made at -25%, three failures will alert the project's security personnel who will send out a half dozen security officers in EVA suits and armed with energy weapons. If any characters are captured, move to the Captured section.
Impersonating Station Personnel: Characters can try to impersonate station engineering personnel to gain entry, but Col. Marcinsizyn is a very paranoid individual and will not let them in unless everything checks out...twice, or if there is imminent danger to the project (hull rupture, gas leak, life support malfunction, etc...). Even then, he will insist on having the group escorted by armed guards (usually three).
Other Ways In: Groups can try to enter as a J.B. Rhine Center patient (they are always looking for new "patients") and/or use their mutant powers to attempt to gain entrance to Project X-Ray, so the GM should try to remain flexible and try to anticipate the groups methods based on previous adventures and the powers the characters may have. Keep in mind that Col. Marcinsizyn runs a tight operation and that every door is protected by security locks (-15% skill checks to bypass, three failures on a single door trips an alarm). He also keeps a close eye on security cameras and has a 10% chance of picking out an intruder every five minutes the group is in the project.
If the group get inside the project, the characters will need to acquire some project uniforms (security or medical/science) to remain inconspicuous while they try to make their way to level 5 where Octavian is kept. However, there is a 10% chance every five minutes that Col. Marcinsizyn will pick the group out on the security cameras as intruders. If this happens he will send a contingent of a dozen armed security guards to intercept and capture the group. Failure to capture the group will cause the Colonel to lock down and flood the area with a nerve agent that will incapacitate the group (see information on nerve agent below), go to Captured section.
PROJECT X-RAY(I was hoping to create a map to go with this, but I'll have to pass on that unless I am hit with a decent dose of inspiration. Map submissions are welcome.)
Level 1:
J.B. Rhine Center front desk, several offices and exam rooms, elevator to Level 2
Level 2:Security control, conference room, patient dormitory, offices, elevator to Level 1, elevator to Levels 3 & 4.
Level 3:
Laboratories, Operation Rooms, elevator to Levels 2 & 4.
Level 4:
Independent life support systems for Level 5 and cryogenics lab, cryogenic chambers, exterior airlock, storage, elevator to Levels 2 & 3, secure elevator to Level 5
Level 5:
The project keeps its more dangerous and difficult subjects here. Including their most prized subject, Octavian Gregorio Italia, on Level 5. Access to this level is through an elevator to a security room manned by three armed guards. An airlock leads out to the main dorm area which which is kept in a vacuum and connects to six cells and the main Psi-Lab.
The guards in security room are all armed and will challenge anyone, including Col. Marcinsizyn, that come out of the elevator. Unless the guards are fooled or incapacitated within the first melee action of combat, one of them will trigger an alarm which will notify security on Level 2, and lock down the elevator's control on Level 5. A contingent of six security guards will arrive 5 minutes later armed to the teeth, with another eight ready to reinforce them if needed. The guards have orders to subdue and take prisoners if possible, but use lethal force if necessary.
NOTE: There is a console at the security desk that will pump air into the dorm area, but will require a -15% hacking or electronics skill check to activate without the security code. It will take five minutes for the dorm area to pressurise.
Securty on Level 2 will be alerted as soon as the door to this cell is opened. It should take about three minutes for security to notify Prof. Marciano or Col. Marcinsizyn about the unscheduled visit. Either one will call for the level to be "locked down" and a security detail sent to investigate.
Octavian is kept drugged and strapped to a medical bed in a bleak and uninviting cell. Several automated medical devices are set next to his bed and maintain the flow of drugs. If the devices are destroyed or disabled, security alarms will be triggered throughout the project. Octavian will start to come around within a minute after the drugs have been stopped, but will be extremely limited in what he will be able to do. Initially he will only be able to use his telepathy, remote viewing and astral projection. It will take at least half-an-hour before he is able to use all his powers again-unless the characters can somehow counteract the drugs in his system.
This is the lab where Prof. Alexander performed the majority of his experiments to boost the psychic powers of his "subjects". The room contains numerous drugs, an operating table, cryogenics equipment (just in case a subject gets out of control), several computers and other miscellaneous lab equipment.
Once Octavian is released from his cell, he will insist that the characters help him free the others from the projects grasp. Unfortunately, all of the other subjects are so far under the influence of Prof. Alexander that none of them will be willing to leave their cell unless prompted to by the Professor.
If the group managed to get themselves caught by the projects security, they will end up tossed into the two empty cells on Level 5 with all of their possessions removed and placed in the main security bay on Level 1. About an hour later Col. Marcinsizyn and Prof. Marciano will take one member of the group at a time into the Level 5 Psi-Lab for interrogation wanting to know who they are working for, how they got in, and what they are looking for.
Unless the group can figure some ingenious plan to escape, the Professor will eventually flood the cell with nerve gas, place them in cryo, and save them for use in Project X-Ray if any of the characters have significant psionic powers.
Mr. Johnson
Alignment: Anarchist
Attributes: IQ 15, ME 21, MA 11, PS 9, PE 7, PP 10, PB 10, Spd. 9
Age: 19 Gender: Male
Species: Sheep
Size Level: 6
Hit Points: 12 SDC: 12
Disposition: Paranoid
Human Features
Hands -- Full
Legs -- Full
Speech -- Full
Looks -- Partial
Powers: Adv. Hearing; Adv. Smell
Psionics: Hypnotic Suggestion; Sixth Sense
Background: Yuro Station (Britain Wing)
Occupation: Astrologer (2nd Level)
Skills of Note: Astrology 35%; Computer Operation 70%; First Aid 60%; Movement - Zero Gravity 58%
Languages & Literacy: English 88/78%, Yuro 88/78%
Weapon Proficiencies: None
Attacks per Melee: 2
Bonuses: None
Personal Profile: Mr. Johnson is really Star Irving Britain, something that he will not freely share with the players. Star is, or rather was, an astrologer with a travelling carnival until he was lured to the J.B. Rhine Center with promise of a large sum of credit if he would allow them to study his psychic abilities. Now, as a result of Prof. Alexander's experiments and treatment, Star has become very paranoid and slightly delusional. There is a 30% chance that he will see/sense Project X-Ray agents coming for him when in a stressful situation (roll once after covering the basics in "Meeting at the Stargate Disco"). If he becomes delusional, Star will do everything in his power to escape, and will attack blindly if anyone tries to restrain him.
Octavian Gregorio Italia
Alignment: Unprincipled
Attributes: IQ 19, ME 30, MA 16, PS 5, PE 12, PP 9, PB 16, Spd 12
Age: 12 Gender: Male
Species: Cat (Domestic Shorthair, Black)
Size Level: 4
Height: 3' Weight: 16 lbs.
Hit Points: 40 SDC: 20
Disposition: Vengeful
Human Features
Hands -- None
Legs -- Partial
Speech -- None
Looks -- None
Powers: None
Psionics: [Sensitive] Astral Projection, Clairvoyance, Remote Viewing (new), See Aura, Telepathy; [Healing] Detect Psionics; [Physical] Psionic Claws (new); [Super] Telekinesis, Insert Memory
Level of Experience: 6th
Background: Yuro Station (Italy Wing)
Skills of Note: Psionic Combat (New)
Languages & Literacy: Italian 88/78%, German 88/78%, French 88/78%, Swedish 88/78%, Dutch 88/78%, English 88/78%, Spanish 88/78%, Norwegian 88/78%
Attacks per Melee: 2 (5 Psionic)
Bonuses: +8 save vs. psionic attack; +13 save vs. insanity; 40% Trust/Intimidate; 30% Charm/Impress
* Psionic Combat (new): This skill takes the place of Hand to Hand Combat training. While it does not increaase the basic number of physical attacks a character can attempt in a melee, it does affect the number of psionic attacks/actions can attempt per melee. (Author's Note: I will be posting a full breakdown of the Psionic Combat skill in the near future)
* Psionic Claws (new): Basically, this is a variation of Telekinetic Punch except that it's range is reduced to touch. This is treated the same as the Psionic Claws in Second Edition AtB.
* Remote Viewing (new): See Powers Unlimited or use the following rules: This power is much like astral projection except that the psionicist does not leave his/her body and therefore does not have to worry about all the downfalls of using that ability. The down side is that the psionicist cannot interact with the location they are viewing. It's like the psionicist is piloting a remote camera through the location, but has a hard time reading or hearing what is said (22%/+6%). The psionicist can still move through solid objects and can move at the same rate as the astral projection power.
Personal Profile: Octavian Italia was orphaned at the age of 6 when his parents died in a mining accident. He was placed into a orphanage in the Italy wing of Yuro Station (Mutants in Orbit). At the age of 9, when Octavian first manifested his psionic powers, he was placed in a special program to help develop psionic powers. Quickly rising through the ranks, Octavian was moved into a secret Italian wing military program to brain wash him and push his psionic powers to the limit for use as part of the wings espionage program. Over the past year, Octavian has been secretly using his powers to attempt an escape. Once he is released from his cell, Octavian will do what he can to bring the project and it's leader to their knees.
Prof. Alexander Marciano Italia
Alignment: Diabolic
Attributes: IQ 21, ME 14, MA 12, PS 9, PE 10, PP 7, PB 11, Spd. 13
Age: 31 Gender: Male
Species: Rabbit
Size Level: 9
Hit Points: 28 SDC: 25
Disposition: Fanatic, Patriot
Human Features
Hands -- Full
Legs -- Partial
Speech -- Full
Looks -- None
Powers: Adv. Hearing
Psionics: Detect Psionics (see BtS Psychic Sensitive)
Background: Yuro Station (Italy Wing)
Occupation: Research Scientist (5nd Level)
Skills of Note: Biology; Botony; Adv. Chemistry; Adv. Math; Computer Programming; Medical Doctor; Contacts: The Network
Languages & Literacy: Italian; Yuro
Weapon Proficiencies: Scalpel (Knife)
Attacks per Melee: 2
Bonuses: None
Personal Profile: Profesor Alexander Marciano Italia is a patriot as far as he is concerned. His experiments and projects have always been to improve the state of the Italian wing and eventually put it a possision to controle all of Yuro Station. Several years ago he gained the ability to detect psionics and has become facinated by psionics and how far he can push the psionic powers of others in an effort to create the ultimate spies for Italy Wings govt. However, Profesor Alexander doesn't have the greatest history with the government and had to look for funding for his experiments elsewhere. Enter the Network which has provided the profesor with security and money, and pulled strings to hide the project in the Florence Medical Institute and provide it with a cover.
Generic X-Ray Medical PersonnelMembers of the project's medical personal come from various species on board the station but none have any extraordinary abilities. However, Prof. Alexander has ensured their loyalty through the use of various psionic methods (memory insertion, mind traps, etc.). Therefore, they will fight to protect or the profesor and the project should they see that either are threatened.Hit Points: 12 SDC: 16
Disposition: Loyal to Project X-Ray & Prof. Alexander
Attacks per Melee: 2
Bonuses: none
Col. Yuri Marcinsizyn
Alignment: Aberrant
Attributes: IQ 19, ME 14, MA 13, PS 27, PE 22, PP 20, PB 10, Spd. 14
Age: 27 Gender: Male
Species: Hawk
Size Level: 11
Hit Points: 46 SDC: 114 AR: 15
Disposition: Professional, Focused
Human Features
Hands -- Full
Legs -- Full
Speech -- Full
Looks -- Full
Powers: Increase Body Mass & Natuarl Body Armor
Psionics: Mind Block
Background: Lakia Station
Occupation: Defense Officer (5nd Level)
Skills of Note: Hand to Hand: Expert, Adv. Zero G Combat, Combat Gravity: Adv., Defense Systems, Detect Concealment, Interogation, Demolitions Disposal, Ship-to-Ship Combat, Cryptography, EVA, Wrestling
Languages & Literacy: Russian; Yuro; English
Weapon Proficiencies: Blunt, Dart Pistol, Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle
Attacks per Melee: 4
Bonuses: +12 melee damage; +2 pull punch; +4 to roll with punch/fall; +5 parry/dodge; +6 strike; Kick attack does 1D6; Squeeze does 1D4; Pin on 18-20; Tackle does 1D4 + knock down if not dodged/parried;
Personal Profile: Col. Yuri Marcinsizyn was introduced to Profesor Alexander Marciano Italia through their mutual aquantances in the Network. Marcinsizyn did some work with the Network several years ago, and they continue to hire him when they feel the need. He is very focused on his job and nothing ever distracts him from his goal.
Generic X-Ray Security Guards
The project's security guards were all hand picked by Col. Yuri from those he had served with Yuri on Lakia Station and elsewhere. All guards are combat trained and equiped with medium body armor.Hit Points: 20 SDC: 30
AR: 11 SDC: 65
Disposition: Loyal to Project X-Ray & Col. Yuri
Attacks per Melee: 3
Bonuses: +2 to strike; +3 to parry/dodge; +2 to roll with punch/fall
Psionics/Powers: Six of the twenty security guards have have mutant powers, none have psionic powers other than mind block.
Equipment: Laser Pistol, Rapier, Laser Rifle
Posted by
2:46 AM
Labels: adventure, Mutants In Orbit
Tyler Gray
NOTE: This was the character I played in Erick Wujcik's 2007 Open House Game: Mutagen InvasionAlignment: Scrupulous
Attributes: IQ 8, ME 22, MA 13, PS 6, PE 12, PP 18, PB 11, Spd. 30
Age: 16 Gender: Male
Species: American Shorthair (Black)
Size Level: 3
Height: 1'5" Weight: 7lbs.
Hit Points: 23 SDC: 36
Disposition: Quiet
Human Features
Hands -- None
Legs -- None
Speech -- None
Looks -- None
Vestigial Traits: Catnip Addiction, Diet: Carnivore, Nocturnal
Powers: Retractable Climbing Claws 1D6, Feline Leaping (3' long, 4.5' high, 7.5' down), Righting Reflex
Psionics: Mind Speak, Psionic Claws, Invisible Haze, Danger Sense, See Aura
Level of Experience: 4th
Background: Guerrilla Warrior
Apprenticeship: None
Primary Skills: Wilderness Survival (50%), Prowl (55%), Demolitions (72%), Demolitions Disposal (72%), Intelligence (48%), Interrogation (60%), Surveillance Systems (60%), Acrobatics, Athletics, Running, Hand to Hand: Assassin
Acrobatic Skills: Sense Balance (68%), Tightrope (72%), Climb Rope (78%), Climbing (80%), Back Flip (70%), Fearless of Heights
Weapon Proficiencies: Paired Weapons (Claws)
Attacks per Melee: 5
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +3 to parry/dodge, +4 to strike, +4 damage, +3 to roll with punch, +10 to roll with fall/impact, +3 to pull punch.
Save vs: Pain 14+, Lethal Poison 14+, Non-Lethal Poison 16+, Drugs 15+, Psionics 8+, Insanity 7+, HF +5
Personal Profile: Tyler grew up in the Contested Lands where his gifts made him an excellent guerrilla fighter and covert agent. A few years back, Tyler's family decided to move to the safety of Smoketown where he now works for the Cardanian Intelligence Agency doing covert work which often puts him behind enemy lines. Tyler's big break came when he was sent on a covert mission into the Empire of Humanity to investigate a long-lost facility, which turned out to be the pre-death lab of Dr. Feral. Inside, he and his team found that Feral's assistant, Otto Karl (now a slowly decaying rabbit cyborg), was continuing experiments under the direction of an A.I. version of Dr. Feral. A large amount of data was returned to Cardania. The lab's fate remains to be decided. However, Tyler had given his word to Otto Karl that he would one day return.
Posted by
12:39 AM
Labels: character
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Palladium Open House 2007
Arrived in Detroit at 12:30, rented car at Enterprise and drive self to Ramada. Gonna need to remember that I'm gonna need some good lead time on Monday morning to return the car and get checked back in at the airport for the flight home.
Well, it's almost 3:30 and VIP Friday starts at 4. I'm gonna grab a bit to eat and head over to Palladium's offices!12:30am and I'm back at the hotel. What a great day!
Spent the first couple hours going through the racks of books (bought Powers Unlimited 2, Rifter 38, and a copy of...MACHINATIONS OF DOOM! Oh, and a great t-shirt(my 5 minutes of fame))Talked with several other gamers and Palladium staff. After another quick bite (sandwiches, egg salad, pasta, bratwurst & kraut, etc..) we were ushered upstairs to the VIP greeting.
Kevin talked to us about the state of Palladium and how the fans have helped put the breath of life back in the company and how Palladium is gonna kick the competition's ass! The Rifts movie was discussed, as was the Robotech contract delays, and other projects that we'd like to see (unfortunately, even with Erick in attendance, After the Bomb was not mentioned).After the main event, gaming started. I was unfortunately unable to get into the AtB game: Beer Run, but was able to get into James Brown's (no the other James Brown) Beyond the Supernatural game: Search and Rescue.
I played local Officer Mike Somerset who was teamed up with a number of other whacked out city folk who were part of a Search and Rescue team looking for a little girl who had gone missing at Granson National Park in Kentucky. It was a great game, and James was a great GM who really rolled with the punches as the group split and went running every which way, but eventually saved the girl and the day.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the game was interrupted momentarily when a Coalition Officer in Deadboy Armor came strolling through the warehouse (my pictures came out looking like ass...).
Well, that's all for tonight. My voice is almost gone and I'd like to save some energy for more gaming tomorrow. G'Night.
Day 2 started with me hitting an early matinée of Spiderman 3 (not bad, but it could have been better) before heading to the Open House and just in time for the Game Design and GM Panels. I'll share some of my favorite sound bites:
"F**K the Rules!", Kevin Siembeda
'Never trust a Role-Player,' paraphrased from Jason Richards
"A Game Master who can't improvise is dead," Jason Marker
"GM's need to be a master of improv," Kevin Siembeda
The two panels actually spilled into one another and eventually into the Freelancer Forum, but after two-and-a-half hours I needed to get some food into me, so I headed out for a short while.
When I returned several people were gearing up for the costume contest...Can you guess who won the best of show? The CS Officer of course...
Well, Erick's After the Bomb game started shortly after that. I think most of the other guys spent nearly two hours in character generation before we began - for several it was their first (at least in using the second edition rules). But once we got going... Wooo, what a trip!(NOTE: Unfortunately, these pictures do not capture the real intense strategy moments of the game, just the times I could reach for the camera)
I have to say that it was a blast being GMed in my #1 favorite RPG setting by the guy who created it. I'd like to tell you about the adventure Erick had for us, but I'll have to save that story for another time as it is getting far to late for me...
Argh, I over slept this morning. I had to rush because Erick Wujcik's Entropy game was scheduled to start at 11:30 and I didn't get out of the hotel until quarter-to! But when I got there I found out that the game was moved back to 12:30, so I had time to run out and grab some breakfast.
Unfortunately, traffic delayed Erick's arrival until after 1, but when the game got going it was worth the wait. The game setting was "Entropy", a non-palladium system game that he and the others had started building at the Detroit Gaming Center. It's an epic setting that's grown into the stuff of legends, and Erick gave us just a taste it. Some very wow stuff!
Things wrapped up around 4:30. No real photo ops today, so no pics.
If you didn't make it this year, I hope you make it in 2008.
Posted by
7:24 PM
Labels: article
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Law Enforcement Apprenticeship
Available to: Border Area, Elite Militia, Villager & Townie, and Academic Elite.
Characters who study under this apprenticeship can end up as a street cop in Smoketown, a lowly sheriff in a small rural community, or a wandering lawman.
(NEW) Local Laws: This skill covers only the laws of the area that the character was trained. Skill suffers –20% if the character moves to an area with a different set of laws. Base Skill: 50% +6% per level.
Core Skill: Local Laws (+20%)
Main Skills: Wilderness Survival (+10%), Detect Concealment/Traps (+10%), Literacy (+5%), Writing (+5%), Hand-to-Hand: Basic
Other Skills: Choose eight from: Military, Rouge, Domestic, or Technical
Physical Skills: Choose three (may learn HtH: Expert or Bull Fight at the cost of two skills)
Pilot Skills: Chose two
W.P. Skills: Choose three (Heavy and Energy Weapons not included)
Posted by
1:40 PM
Labels: apprenticeship