Thursday, November 06, 2008

After the Bomb & Fallout

I picked up a copy of Fallout 3 last Friday and have been hard pressed to put it down since. Now, you may wonder how this relates to AtB other than that they both take place in a post-apocalyptic world. Well, both take place in an alternate reality: Fallout in a retro-tech wasteland, and AtB in a post-golden age of science wasteland.

I like to look at the way the populace in Fallout have scrounged together the remnants of the old world and use it to work in their post-apocalyptic situation. Also, if you've had a chance to see or play Fallout 3, it could give you a good idea of what the ruins of the old world might look like.

I've a visual person, and really appreciate game books that include illustrations and artwork that help give the reader of a sense of what the author(s)of a game setting is trying to convey. Fantasy games already have a great deal of artwork to use as examples, but there aren't many post-apocalyptic artists to draw from, and even fewer post-apocalyptic anthropomorphic art examples. And since Erick has passed, we no longer have the original author to call upon.

I'll be interested to see if Palladium revisits the AtB setting some time down the road, and in what direction they take it and who they get to take the helm. However, since AtB is such a niche game setting, it's doubtfull that it will see a reemergence in the next decade.

But my fingers will be crossed.

Shane! Come back!

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