Thursday, September 27, 2007

Megalochelys (Giant Snapping Turtle)

[First Draft]

These monstrously large mutant turtles are known as an aggressive species, they have a long spiky tail, claws and a sharp beak and "will eat anything it can catch".

Size Level:
19 (Long)
Size: 10 feet long, 6 feet tall
Weight: 4-5 tonnes
Hit Points: 400
SDC: 3D6x100 (1300)
Armor Rating: 16
Psionics: None
Horror Factor: 15
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Damage: Bite does 3D6x10, Claws do 4D6, Trample does 2D8x10, Head Butt does 1D6x10, Tail Whip does 3D6.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +4 to strike, +8 roll with Impact (shell), +8 vs. poison/disease.
Natural Abilities: Crushing Strength; Predator Burst; Night Vision 120 feet; Prowl in water 60%; Iron Grip, Jaws (PS 22+ needed to pry open mouth); Natural Camouflage
Average Life Span: Unknown
Habitat: Temporate Wetlands, Primarily found in the Gatorland swamps

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