Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A "Mutants in Orbit" Moment

Space sucks!

I don't care who you are, as long as you're in space you're always gonna be trapped in an over sized tin can, suckin stale recyc' air, and always lookin down on momma Earth.

I was born here on King Angel, and I was content with life here. The wing kept me busy while growing up, working in the assembly plant or in the docks. I always had food and a place to lay my head, and the occasional relationship. Things seemed good or at least palatable

But then reality sinks in. Around the time I turned 14 I started paying attention to the news and listening past the propaganda and fluff. I started realizing that life in this tin can wasn't as great as I was deluded to believe.

The average life expectancy for a fur who lives on King Angel is 21. That never really meant anything to me before, but then I learned why.

Most fur call it the squeeze. Though nobody really wants to talk about it, I've learned that it's caused because most people's brains can't take living in this tin can for too long. The fortunate ones are able to get work on a freebooter, or buy their own ship and get out. The not-so-fortunate take the "other" ways out--pills, alcohol, or suicide.

I don't know if it's like this on Outcast or Freedom stations, or if it's any better on the Moon, but I just know that before I turn 21, I've gotta get myself outta this place before I become just another statistic.

- Ian Denmark IV (19)

- "Mutants in Orbit™" is a sourcebook for both After the Bomb (first edition) and Rifts
- King Angel is Yuro Station

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