Description: The Road Hogs are the biker gang that took control of all of the other northern biker gangs ("Join or Die") and now controls the western portion of what was Oregon State. The character most likely joined the Road Hogs either as a matter of survival (once member of another gang), or in the quest for power and respect. Anyone who leaves the Road Hogs will have a bounty placed on them that any Road Hog will gladly attempt to collect.
Apprenticeship: None (Road Hogs would rather force villagers to do the work)
Primary Skills: Mechanics: Basic, Wilderness Survival, four Physical Skills, three Weapon Proficiencies, two Pilot Skills
Secondary Skills: Select any five
Special Bonuses: +20 SDC, +2 PS, +2 PE
Money: 2D6 times 100 New Americorp Dollars
Equipment: Basic clothing and Road Hog leathers, two good quality weapons, and a vehicle worth $12,000
Relatives & Connections: The Road Hogs are a brotherhood of bikers and road warriors, and will have a 30% chance to recognize another 'Hog' not displaying their colors. The motto "Join or Die" also carries with it the expectation that one is a Road Hog until they die, and they do not appreciate anyone who tries to leave the fold.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Road Hog Character Background
Posted by
8:05 PM
Labels: background, Road Hogs
Ellizabeth 'Sparky' Shawll - Mutant Mulefoot/Choctaw Hog (Swine)
Alignment: Aberrant
Attributes: IQ: 16 ME: 13 MA: 11 PS: 24 PP: 12 PE: 12 PB: 7 Spd: 35
Age: 22 Gender: Female
Size Level: 10 Weight: 236lbs Height: 6ft 4inches
Hit Points: 19 SDC: 57
Body Armor: Plastic Plate Armor AR: 13 SDC: 80
Disposition: Distant, Aloof
Human Features: Hands: Partial Biped: Full Looks: Partial Speech: Full
Animal Powers: Advanced Vision, Beastly Strength, Extraordinary Speed, Predator Burst (NOTE: cannot pull punch during predator burst)
Animal Psionics: Detect Psionics, Natural Mechanical Genius
Natural Weapons: Tusks (2D4 Damage), Hooves (2D6+9 Damage)
Level of Experience: 2nd Level
Occupation: Road Hog Lieutenant
Skills of Note: Wilderness Survival 57%, First Aid 57%, Interrogation 52%, Athletics, Wrestling, HtH Expert, WP Shotgun, WP Sword, WP Blunt
Attacks Per Melee: 4 (Predator Burst: 6/5/4)
Bonuses: +2 Initiative on first melee round, +2 extra attacks on the first melee round, +1 extra attack on the second round, +2 Pull Punch, +3 Roll with Punch/Impact, +3 Parry, +3 Dodge, +1 Strike with Sword, +2 Parry with Sword, +1 Strike with Blunt, +1 Parry with Blunt, +9 Melee Damage (PS Bonus), -15% Prowl on hard surface
Personal Profile: Sparky has a personal vendetta against anyone with psionics, targeting them first in a fight using her silver plated bastard sword. If she detects a fellow Road Hog with these powers, she won't blindly attack them, but she won't trust them either. Her main goal is to ascend to the leadership of the Road Hogs. She currently commands a group of eight Road Hogs (5 motorcycles, 2 trucks, 1 RV) that patrols Route 99 from Weed to Roseburg.
Special Weapons: Shod Hooves (2D6+10 Damage), Silver Plated Bastard Sword (2D6+11 Damage)
Special Vehicle: Beth's motorcycle is held together only due to her Natural Mechanical Genius power. She will refuse to let anyone near her bike for any reason; anyone who violates this will feel her wrath.
Posted by
6:14 PM
Ominus Rex - Mutant Wild Boar
Alignment: Anarchist
Attributes: IQ: 13 ME: 6 MA: 6 PS: 34 PP: 5 PE: 22 PB: 4 Spd: 7
Age: 25 Gender: Male
Size Level: 13 Weight: 410lbs Height: 7ft 4inches
Hit Points: 31 SDC: 80
Body Armor: Plate and Mail Armor AR: 15 SDC: 80
Disposition: Focused, Brutal
Human Features: Hands: Partial Biped: Full Looks: None Speech: None
Animal Powers: Beastly Strength
Animal Psionics: None
Level of Experience: 2nd Level
Occupation: Road Hog Brute; Lieutenant.
Skills of Note: Wilderness Survival 55%, Detect Ambush 40%, Tailing 40%, Boxing, Wrestling, HtH: Basic, WP Blunt, WP Chain, WP Targeting, Pilot Special(Custom Quad ATV)
Attacks Per Melee: 5
Bonuses: +5 Parry, +5 Dodge, +5 Roll with Punch/Impact, +2 Pull Punch, +19 Melee Damage (PS Bonus), Automatic KO on Natural 20 (1D6 Melee Rounds), Pin/Incapacitate on 18-20, Crush/Squeeze 1D4+19 Damage, Body Tackle/Body Block 1D4+19 Damage (Target must Dodge or Parry to avoid being knocked down), +1 Strike and Parry w/ Blunt, +1 Strike w/ Chain, +1 Strike w/ Thrown Object, +4 save vs. poison.
Personal Profile: Ominus was raised by the Road Hogs from a very young age after his family was wiped out after a biker firefight demolished their farm. Already a large child, Ominus grew to be a terrifyingly large size as an adult, helped make him a handy method of terrorizing local villages and travellers. He has learned to communicate with his comrades through grunts, barks, hollers, and rough sign language. In combat, he is very focused, and will continue a fight until his opponent is incapacitated, dead, or is called off by a superior ranking Road Hog. He has also been known to use his fellow bikers bikes as weapons in combat; throwing them or clubbing opponents with them. Ominus is in charge of a group of five Road Hogs (three on bikes, two in a truck) that roam the southern portion of the Road Hog territory near village of Dorris near the old California/Oregon border on Highway 97 (considered a back road in Road Hogs). Their main encampment is at the Cal Ore Cafe located just north of town.
Special Weapons: Ominus wears a heavy 6ft long spiked chain wrapped around each forearm, which he can remove to use as a weapon (2D4+19 Damage). He is also carries around a 5ft club with a chunk of concrete at the end (2D6+19 Damage).
Special Vehicle: Ominus gets around in one of two ways. First is being hauled around in the back of a large truck, and second is on a customized Quad ATV.
Posted by
3:42 PM
Monday, April 20, 2015
Generic Low Level Swine Road Hog Thug
These thugs typically travel in groups of 2 to 5. It is rare to catch one on his/her own.
Alignment: Typically 5% Unprincipled; 30% Anarchist; 25% Miscreant; 30% Aberrant; or 10% Diabolic
Disposition: Arrogant, belligerent, and unpleasant towards any non-Road Hog
Size Level: 11 SDC: 55 Hit Points: 17
Body Armor: Studded Leather Armor AR: 12 SDC: 28+1D10
Attributes: IQ 11, ME 9, MA 11, PS 19, PP 8, PE 12, PB 9, Spd 11
Animal Type: Mutant Swine, Pig
Human Features: Hands: Full, Biped: Full, Speech: Full, Looks: None or Partial
Age: 15+1D8 Weight: 230lbs
Powers: None
Psionics: None
Level of Experience: 1st or 2nd Level
Level of Education: None, typically illiterate. Most Road Hogs initiates are only interested in how to fire a weapon and ride a motorcycle. Beyond that, individual Road Hogs are on their own in learning a profession or anything that would be considered academic.
Skills of Note: Pilot Motorcycle or Truck 64%, Vehicle Weapon Systems 50%, HtH: Basic, WP Blunt, Plus two Weapon Proficiencies of Choice: Knife, Chain, Pistol, or Shotgun
Attacks Per Melee: 4
Melee Combat Bonuses: +1 to Strike, +4 Damage, +2 Parry, +1 Dodge, +2 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
Standard Issue Weapons: (Choose Two) Knife (1D6 Dmg), Chain (2D4 Dmg), 9mm Pistol (3D6 Dmg), 12 Gauge Shotgun (3D6 Dmg Buckshot)
Posted by
11:03 AM
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Mutants of London
Found this info online today. I've heard of the saying, "If the Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it.", but never knew this part of the story.
The ravens of the Tower of London are a group of captive common ravens which live in the Tower of London. The group of ravens at the Tower comprises at least seven individuals (six required, with a seventh in reserve). The presence of the ravens is traditionally believed to protect the Crown and the Tower; a superstition holds that "If the Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it."
I've never been a fan of the Mutants in Avalon sourcebook because of the Arthur angle it took, this look much more interesting. You could use this as the background for a specific Tower Raven (Purebreed) animal species that would start with special perks.
Posted by
10:20 PM
Labels: animal, article, background, Mutants in Avalon, purebred