2019: A Future Imagined from Flat-12 on Vimeo.
Visual Futurist Syd Mead ("Blade Runner," "Aliens," "Tron") reflects upon the nature of creativity and how it drives the future. Photographed in P2 High Definition, this featurette provides insight into the fascinating mind of one of the most influential artists of modern cinema and automotive design.Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Monday, December 06, 2010
Post Apocalyptic Survival Video
Ducked and Covered: A Survival Guide to the Post Apocalypse from Nathaniel Lindsay on Vimeo.
Ducked and Covered: A Survival Guide to the Post Apocalypse is an instructional public information film designed to assist the general population with surviving life in Australia after a nuclear war. Produced by the Australian Board of Civil Defence during the early 1980s, this previously unseen, dusty print was uncovered deep within a university film archive.
Broken into four chapters, the film guides wary survivors through the trials that will await them in the post apocalypse. From post-apocalyptic fashion and unique uses for surplus human skulls, to becoming a local warlord and avoiding radioactive mutants, there is something for all dwellers of the wastelands. With its dry methodical narration, brooding synthesizer, minimalist animation and erroneous guidance, Ducked and Covered is a dark humored parody/loving homage to the late cold war era, early 1980’s public information films, as well as a reminder… OF WHAT STILL COULD BE.
WINNER - Audience Award - Best Animated Film - MAELSTROM INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, Seattle, WA, USA 2010.
CINEQUEST 20 FILM FESTIVAL, San Jose, California, USA 2010.
STATE OF DESIGN FESTIVAL, Melbourne, Australia 2009.
Posted by
2:18 PM
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mutated Animal Found In Ditch
Okay, it's actually a video short by Neil (District 9) Blomkamp. IO9 tracked down some information on the AGM Heartland logo on the side of the creature and found this info:Entertainment services by way of an online website with video, audio and textual content and images featuring characters and storylines about a fictional genetic engineering company that produces genetically engineered and altered organisms.
Posted by
12:28 PM
Labels: fiction, in the news, misc
Monday, November 01, 2010
Growing Giant Bugs
One of the arguments of those who don't believe in giant insects is that there's no way they could support their own weight, yet giant (well compared to now-a-days) insects did exist in prehistoric times and one scientist set out to prove that they could exist today; given the right conditions...
"Ancient Earth saw dragonflies with wingspans up to 28 inches, and their size is thought to be linked to higher levels of oxygen in the prehistoric atmosphere. Now John VandenBrooks of Arizona State University has tested that hypothesis by growing himself some big bugs."
Read more at: Scientists unlock the secrets behind growing giant bugs (io9.com)
Posted by
5:10 PM
Labels: in the news
Friday, September 03, 2010
Arthur C. Clark and The World of Tomorrow
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1:58 PM
Labels: in the news, misc
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Biped Porcupine
Here's an interesting video of a porcupine mimicking the walking motion of the people watching it.
Posted by
1:33 PM
Monday, July 12, 2010
2010 Kia Soul Hamster Commercial
I've got a few ideas brewing again. Here's something to keep the Blog alive.
Posted by
4:37 PM
Friday, June 11, 2010
20 Random Wild Mutations
Not every animal in the world of AtB was mutated into an anthropomorphic intelligent being.
Here is a list of wild mutations you might consider adding to some wild animals that your characters can encounter while traveling the wilderness. These creatures can also be used to terrorize a border town for a quick game session. As always, use your imagination.
Table of Random Wild Mutations: (roll 1D20)
- Bone Spurs
- Horns
- Tusks
- Venom
- Extra/Fewer Appendages
- Extra Heads
- Unexpected Appendage(s)
- Multiple Eyes
- Cycloptic
- Gigantism
- Mutant Power (See Heroes Unlimited)
- Animal Psionic Power
- Bald
- Odd Covering (i.e. scales instead of fur)
- Odd Color
- Diet Change (i.e. carnivore instead of herbivore)
- Habitat Change
- Sickly/Leprous/Disfigured (HF 12+)
- Siamese
- Unstable Mutation
Bone Spurs: The Calcium in the creatures bones have grown into several sharp bony protrusions that have pierced the skin and can be used offensively as weapons, or defensively as armor or spikes.
Extra/Fewer Appendages: The creature is missing or has a few extra arms and/or legs. If this is a chimera, the extra appendages can be from a totally different animal.
Unexpected Appendage: This includes antennae, horns, mouthparts, wings, gills, walking legs, tentacles , swimming legs or fins, and parts of the tail that don't normally occur on the creature (ie: an elephant with elk horns or tail of a dolphin).
Cycloptic: The creature's eyes have grown together into a large single eye.
Gigantism: This creature is huge. Double or add 10 to the creatures size levels.
Mutant Power: Grab a copy of Heroes Unlimited, Powers Unlimited, or copy of the Rifter and pick a suitable, or outrageous, power to add to this creature.
Bald: Obviously this doesn't apply to a creature that doesn't already have hair. If that's the case, just add a whole lot of hair instead. This works best when added to another Wild Mutation.
Odd Body Covering: Hairy Dolphin, Scaly Cow, Chitinous Gopher... Just change the skin normally found on a creature to one that is way out of place.
Habitat Change: Funny, you don't normally find Polar Bears in the Tropics... Does your creature normally live under water? Well, now it burrows underground (Land Shark!).
Sickly/Leprous/Disfigured: Oh, the horror!! This creature is scarred by sickly soars, oozing pustules, and/or rotting flesh, etc... Anyone who sets eyes on it must make a Horror Factor check or run in terror (House Rule: NPCs are -10 to all HF checks).
Siamese: Two creatures (not necessarily the same species) are joined at some part of their anatomy. Some may speculate that this to be some form of chimera that didn't work out so well.
Unstable Mutation: Every so often this creature goes through a metamorphosis that changes it. Be it a new unstable mutation, a change to it's appearance, a new power or disadvantage, or even a chimeric addition; you never know what you'll be facing from one encounter to the next.
Posted by
11:10 AM
Monday, March 29, 2010
Julius The Red
Alignment: Unprincipled
Attributes: IQ 11, ME 12, MA 29, PS 10, PE 16, PP 11, PB 9, Spd. 20
Age: 22 Gender: Male
Species: Red Squirrel
Size Level: 6 Length: 2'10" (5' 8" with tail) Weight: 18lbs.
Hit Points: 45 SDC: 28
Disposition: Megalomaniac
Human Features: Hands: Partial Legs: Partial Speech: Full Looks: None Other: Fluffy Tail (2' 10" long)
Powers: Extra I.Q.; Extra M.A.; Rodent Leaping; Climbing Claws
Psionics: Danger Sense; Animal Control; Animal Speech
Level of Experience: 6th
Background: Guerrilla Warrior
Apprenticeship: n/a
Occupation: Guerrilla Leader
Primary Skills of Note: Wilderness Survival, Prowl, Camouflage, Demolitions, Demo. Disposal, Intelligence, Land Navigation, Recognize Weapon Quality, Climbing, Hand to Hand: Assassin
Languages and Literacy: English 88/78%
Weapon Proficiencies: Revolver, Shotgun, Bolt-Action Rifle, Paired Weapons
Secondary Skills: Identify Plants & Fruits, Tracking, Climbing, Escape Artist, Public Speaking
Attacks per Melee: 6
Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +3 to parry/dodge, +2 to strike, +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +3 to pull punch, +2 to entangle, +4 to damage, +3 to pull punch
Special Weapons: Julius always wears a pair of pearl handle Bantam .22 Revolvers and six quick-loaders.
Personal Profile: (pending)
Posted by
5:19 PM
Labels: character
Monday, March 15, 2010
Muscle Doubling Package
Though out the early and mid 21st Century, biologists worked on ways to remedy food shortages around the world. One method that was developed early on was known as muscle doubling, which literally caused the transgenically altered animals to double their muscle mass.
When the EGG (Embryonic Genome Generator) was introduced, muscle doubling was one of the more popular transgenic alterations gene-hackers introduced to their creations, which soon became a highlight in illegal mutant animal fight arenas. Soon after hackers were even able to splice the transgenic code for this mutation into a virus which could be used on humans.
BIO-E Cost: 30
Attribute Bonuses: Character gains Crushing Strength, 2D4 P.S., and +15 SDC
Increased Mass: Character base weight increases one size level.
NOTE: This package can be purchased by those who already have Crushing Strength for the additional bonuses, but must also take the increased mass.
Genetically-Modified "Terminator" Trout Have 20% More Muscle [io9.com]
Posted by
2:03 PM
Labels: package, transgenic
Friday, March 12, 2010
New Character Sheets
I finally got around to finishing and uploading some new After the Bomb character sheets.
-UPDATE- I've converted the sheets into .pdf files to make them more accessible.
![]() |
![]() |
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2:48 PM
Labels: character sheets
Monday, February 15, 2010
Patrol Boat, Light
The Cardanian Navy utilizes many salvaged and refurbished boats from before the Crash in their patrols and defense of the Cardanian coast line and it's many rivers.Generic Patrol Boat (Light)
Engine: Internal Combustion
Speed: (Cruise) 25mph / (Max) 35mph [Speed Class 2 30/20]
Range: 250 Miles
Hull Length: 30'
Crew: 4 (Captain, 2x Gunners, Mechanic)
SDC: 300
AR: 12
1) (Bow) .50 cal -- 315 degree forward arc Dmg: 1D6x10
2) (Aft) .50 cal -- 315 degree rear arc Dmg: 1D6x10
3) (Midship) Mortar -- 360 degree Dmg: varies
4) (optional) Grenade Launcher, M60
Other Standard Equipment:
- Radar
- Sonar/Depth Guage
- Searchlight
- Radio, Mid-Range
Posted by
12:27 PM
Labels: vehicles
Thursday, February 04, 2010
[IN THE NEWS] Digital Doomsday
Ever wonder why everyone seems to be down in the dirt in post-apocalyptic settings, even several decades after? Even though we are so brilliant now and would probably be even more some time down the road? Why don't the survivors just use that knowledge to pick themselves up by the boot straps and get back to it?
Because everything we are is built on a house of cards.
Read this Article: Digital doomsday: the end of knowledge
Tom Simonite and Michael Le Page write:
Yet even as we are acquiring ever more extraordinary knowledge, we are storing it in ever more fragile and ephemeral forms. If our civilisation runs into trouble, like all others before it, how much would survive?
Whatever the cause, if the power was cut off to the banks of computers that now store much of humanity's knowledge, and people stopped looking after them and the buildings housing them, and factories ceased to churn out new chips and drives, how long would all our knowledge survive? How much would the survivors of such a disaster be able to retrieve decades or centuries hence?
In 2008, for instance, it emerged that the US had "forgotten" how to make a secret ingredient of some nuclear warheads, dubbed Fogbank. Adequate records had not been kept and all the key personnel had retired or left the agency responsible. The fiasco ended up adding $69 million to the cost of a warhead refurbishment programme.
Something to keep in mind next time your AtB players/characters try booting up an old computer that's been gathering dust in the ruins on the Crash, or wonder why the few surviving humans didn't just rebuild the nuclear power plants and fast food joints.
Of course, since AtB is science fiction, anything is possible.
Posted by
11:18 AM
Labels: article, in the news
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Embodied Cognition
One of the areas I'd like to explore in the AtB-verse setting is the idea that, before the Crash, people were able to "grow" themselves a spare body for recreational or medical reasons. In addition, these bodies could be customized in whatever way the owner wanted.
Not only could you completely change your appearance, these bodies could be hybridized with any transgenic feature you could think of. You could have a centaur body, a winged body, an amphibious body, etc. Just about anything you could think of would be possible.One aspect I had not thought of until after watching Avatar recently was how swapping bodies would impact the human psyche. Thankfully, John Pavlus recently posted an article that takes a look at the idea of "Embodied Cognition":
...your mind-your "I"-is a function of a cephalized, bipedal, plantigrade, bilaterally symmetrical body between 1.5 and 2 meters tall with two arms terminating in five-fingered hands with opposable thumbs, two lungs, a warm-blooded vascular system, mostly hairless skin, two front-focused eyes, etc. etc. Change any aspects of that physical configuration-in subtle or radical ways-and the mind will inevitably change too.
You can read the whole article on io9.com or an earlier version on his blog.
Posted by
1:52 PM
Labels: article
Monday, January 18, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
[IN THE NEWS] Plant-Animal Hybrid
Ever wish you didn't need to eat? Well, there is a Sea Slug that can do just that thanks to its ancestors stealing plant DNA allowing them to create genes necessary to make green chlorophyll pigment. They then steal chloroplasts from algae they eat to conduct photosynthesis.LiveScience.com wrote: [link]
"The sea slugs live in salt marshes in New England and Canada. In addition to burglarizing the genes needed to make the green pigment chlorophyll, the slugs also steal tiny cell parts called chloroplasts, which they use to conduct photosynthesis. The chloroplasts use the chlorophyl to convert sunlight into energy, just as plants do, eliminating the need to eat food to gain energy.Something like this has to have been toyed around with at some point in the AtB setting. A few years ago I did write up an adventure called "The Green Death" which involved a symbiotic plant that dominated it's human and animal hosts, but this concept opens up a whole new dimension of possibilities.
"We collect them and we keep them in aquaria for months," Pierce said. "As long as we shine a light on them for 12 hours a day, they can survive [without food]."
Here's a little mutation package you could add to your game:
Animal Photosynthesis Package
BIO-E Cost: 25
Appearance: This mutant's skin and hair/fur/feathers/scales now have a dark green pigment from the natural chlorophyll.
Power: With exposure to light, the character's natural chlorophyll and chloroplasts needed to convert sunlight into energy and reducing, or alleviating, the character's need to eat depending on the character's level of activity.
NOTE: A majority of the character's body must be exposed to sunlight for this power to be affective. Clothing reduces the effecivness of this power dramitically.
Posted by
1:40 PM
Labels: animal, chimera, in the news